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Messages - Vicious

I want to play the version on the Warcraft engine :]
Gaming Discussion / Re: AOE 3, Civ 4
December 27, 2005, 06:51 AM
Personally, I thought both games weren't as good as the previous ones.
 :o This reminds me of some digitally colored WW1 photos that I saw a while ago.

These are quite cool! They're most insightful. One of you smart fellows needs to build me a time machine.  8)
Yeah, I did, but I only added a bit of blue.

General Discussion / Re: Christmas lists
November 28, 2005, 10:22 PM
Quote from: Topaz on November 28, 2005, 07:03 PM
i want a slave. a real one.

Uh, you didn't hear this from me, but I know where you can get some high quality - premium Italian slaves.

I want a new digital camera!
General Discussion / Re: How old are you?
November 16, 2005, 05:56 PM
Quote from: Explicit[nK] on November 15, 2005, 03:13 PM
18, soon to be 19!  But you could save yourself all the trouble and just read peoples' profiles.

Me too -- December 5th
General Discussion / Re: vL.com membership fees
November 07, 2005, 10:18 PM
They're just trying to get rid of dirt poor people like me!  :'(
General Discussion / Re: GT-R Prototype
October 20, 2005, 07:03 PM
I want one.  :D It reminds me of the bat mobile, haha.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Guild wars
October 10, 2005, 10:21 PM
It depends on what kind of games you like.  :P Personally I think it's kind of boring.
Piracy fears surface ahead of the launch of Microsoft's next generation console

Platform holder Microsoft may face a new piracy threat, as reports surface of ten Xbox 360 development kits being stolen from a warehouse in Duren, Germany, with the hardware believed to have fallen into the hands of hackers.

According to an article on Spiegel Online, the shipment of ten dev kits was delivered to a warehouse in Germany in unmarked packaging. The kits were supposed to be distributed onwards to developers in order to create games for the new console platform.

A few days after the shipment went 'missing', photographs of the kits appeared on the Internet, with the serial numbers edited out. Police raids in Austria and Germany recovered three of the units, but seven kits remain untraced at present as the investigation continues.

Microsoft's original Xbox console was plagued by piracy and modification, including the installation of mod chips which bypassed DVD region encoding and copyright protection measures. Pirated software and modified games which gave players an unfair advantage in Xbox Live matches have also been prolific on the Xbox.

In a recent interview with Gamespot.com, Microsoft's chief executive J Allard suggested that piracy on the new console was a given, which the company has already accounted for.

"The philosophy that we applied on 360 is 'It's going to happen," he said.

Allard also hinted that the inevitable bypass of security measures was less important to Microsoft from a financial perspective, but significant in its potential to ruin the online multiplayer experience for genuine customers.

The improved community gaming and media functionality of Xbox Live is a key strength of the new console, which Microsoft is hoping will attract a wider audience of casual gamers when the new console launches in Europe on December 2nd, 2005.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Guild wars
October 10, 2005, 09:30 PM
I bought this game last week. I'm a level 9 Monk/Mesmer.

Character name is Vertindle Draganov
Gaming Discussion / Re: Civ 4
October 10, 2005, 09:27 PM
I spent lots of time On Civilization 3. It takes a looong time to beat. It's really fun though. I will definately be getting Civilization 4.
General Discussion / Re: What is your fav car?
September 30, 2005, 08:14 AM
Me likey 1969 Camaro

Gaming Discussion / Re: Freelancer
August 03, 2005, 05:13 AM
Last time I played online, you had to start over. The server admin can change the amount of money you start with, your starting ship, and other stuff.