www.blizzard.com (http://www.blizzard.com)
How do I know? kids with a lot of time on their hands (http://www.sclegacy.com/)
If you think that's bad, check out diablofans.com. I guess I can sort of fall into that category though, seeing as we were trying to decipher the puzzle on IRC all of last night.
The one on SC legacy is not quite right yet, we'll know tomorrow though if either one of our projected runes for our theories happens.
This is nice. I hope it's an MMO that is darker (like AoC) than WoW.
*braces self for another many years of addiction*
Might not even be Diablo 3. It could be a new game world, a beta, more WotLK crap... Let's just see.
With the use of Diablo runes, I'd go for something within the Diablo world, but not "Diablo III". Something similar to what SC: Ghost might have been or what World of Warcraft is. Not part of the series, but part of the world.
However, since the new 'rune' is the protoss logo (woot), I'd say they're just fucking with us now. Also, the new puzzle piece is 23... bringing the numbers to 4, 15, and 23. Three of the numbers from LOST, in order skipping every other one (4 8 15 16 23 42). The puzzle seems to be a purple Yeti to me.
Honestly, I hate Diablo.
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on June 25, 2008, 03:37 AM
Honestly, I hate Diablo.
What if it's Blackthorne or The Lost Vikings?
Doesn't the Death Knight use runes? Or am I just high..
Quote from: SNiFFeR on June 25, 2008, 03:40 AM
Doesn't the Death Knight use runes? Or am I just high..
Runes from StarCraft and Diablo 2? Will the Death Knight come with a Horadric Cube?
Lost Vikings FTW!
Quote from: SNiFFeR on June 25, 2008, 03:54 AM
you are off topic.
This can just be a promo for WWI as well.
It's Diablo 3. Remember I said this on saturday.
I just posted this on the WoW forums :)
Quote from: Invert on June 26, 2008, 12:52 AM
I just posted this on the WoW forums :)
leave it to invert to do this ;]
i lol'd
Oh wow...
The creature now has a tail...
It's the valenzetti equation, good game
This is why Blizzard is a winner. No other company will engage their customers in such an interesting manner. Simple philosophies like these make companies great.
I know what the numbers are and what they mean. I was trying to hint to it. I still don't think it's D3, though.
Quote from: Invert on June 26, 2008, 03:30 AM
This is why Blizzard is a winner. No other company will engage their customers in such an interesting manner. Simple philosophies like these make companies great.
Actually, Bungie did so as well. WAY before Halo was ever released they revealed a series of cryptic messages called the Cortana Letters (http://halostory.bungie.org/cortanaletters.html); these later made their way into the plot narrative.
Of course, they've been wildly successful as well.
So which one of you guys are Tessanae lol ?
Quote from: :+:Sea!:+: on June 26, 2008, 02:05 PM
So which one of you guys are Tessanae lol ?
No one here is Tessanae. He stated in his post that he "stole it."
He got that from my post on the WoW forums.
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on June 26, 2008, 10:05 AM
Actually, Bungie did so as well. WAY before Halo was ever released they revealed a series of cryptic messages called the Cortana Letters (http://halostory.bungie.org/cortanaletters.html); these later made their way into the plot narrative.
Of course, they've been wildly successful as well.
No other gaming company involves their fans as much as Blizzard does.
Quote from: Warrior on June 26, 2008, 02:58 AM
It's the valenzetti equation, good game
The numbers are from LOST....so how about Lost Vikings?
That would be cool, but... The numbers represent constants in an equation to determine the end of a civilization based on factors within that civilization. I can't think of a more fitting "end to civilization" than the three brothers of hell invading the world, from Blizzard, anyway. Especially when the end of LoD was that the entire world changed. It's possible one of the numbers changed as well, like DHARMA was trying to do, except bringing the end sooner instead of later? ( - This is what LOST does to me. I'm trying to connect things without knowing anything.)
day 5: 08 ,- so i guess it is valenzetti equation?
word: harbinger
makes sense? no
I am just as confused as you are shadow and I guess we will have to wait till Friday's picture to even figure out more
This was posted on the WoW forum:
At the top is the Snowflake representing Blizzard. Below it is the four runes representing each of the franchises. The bottom right one, the planets, is Lost Vikings. This comes from the wall painting in Uldaman which has clear references to Lost Vikings. The number series in the CSS is 4, 15, 16, 23, and 42 (42 coming from the final image piece. This a number sequence that features significant in the series Lost. Lost Vikings. Still haven't tied in the evil penguin yet though.
The code name for the upcoming game is Hydra. In the series Lost, Hydra is a research station used as a place to study animals, a sort of time-warp zoo for doing things like testing the reactions of Polar Bears to tropical climates. In Lost Vikings, the Vikings are kidnapped and taken to an inter-galactic zoo and become lost in various periods of time. This has strong correlations to the story in the TV series Lost.
Remember, if it's The Lost Vikings...I win!!!
The top ruin could be a Viking Compass:
Man, if it's Lost Vikings, Ima be so happy.
Diablo III - VI General Discusssion forum ^ ?
Warcraft IV Ghost - VI General Discusssion forum ^ ?
threads are done by product most likely
Maybe they are just fuckin with us. Nothing changed tonight, and they announced nothing.
sorry if this isn't new, im coming from the middle of this thread.
EDIT: Ignore his post completely, lol
Haha, I get it now.. they're making it look like it's opening up...
..and later today?
http://us.media.blizzard.com/232309/_images/ice5andthreequarters.jpg <- Absolutely retarded if so :P
In my opinion the penguin is completely there to throw us off. The game is definitely diablo III clear as day. (My opinion)
Was this code there before?
<div id="abraham"><a href="http://www.blizzard.com/"><!----></a></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://us.media.blizzard.com/232309/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("http://us.media.blizzard.com/232309/_images/en-US/splash.swf", "splash", "1406", "963", "8");
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
Diablo 3 has been confirmed.
RPG!!!!! :D
Looks crap
WoW with new cartoony graphics and GUI *yawns*
I'm guessing its going to be a pay-to-play they-like-it-gay?
from what i read its going to be on bnet.
I like the direction the starcraft and diablo websites are going in. really immerses you in the game just by reading the website
Both games incorporate havok physics which will really bring gameplay to life; and yes they both use battle.net and feature single player modes
In the job openings they finally changed some of the icons to Diablo 3, but some are still 'Top Secret' icons. Could there be another interesting project in development?
I was hoping they'd do a World of Diablo or something, that'd be nice.
Quote from: Warrior on June 25, 2008, 05:13 PM
It's Diablo 3. Remember I said this on saturday.
^ This.
(http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/08jun/uf011630.gif) (http://http:http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20080630)
Does everybody in this thread get laid much?....
Quote from: MrRaza on July 02, 2008, 12:23 AM
Does everybody in this thread get laid much?....
everyone has a hand. besides, you can find hookers via craigslist now. even come with prices & pictures! no more corners for me.
Quote from: MrRaza on July 02, 2008, 12:23 AM
Does everybody in this thread get laid much?....
Is that question even worth asking?
Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on July 02, 2008, 12:59 AM
Quote from: MrRaza on July 02, 2008, 12:23 AM
Does everybody in this thread get laid much?....
Is that question even worth asking?
Well he's just a kid so what'd you expect?
When ever I try get laid, I normaly end up being layed out.
Quote from: MrRaza on July 02, 2008, 12:23 AM
Does everybody in this thread get laid much?....
So when are they announcing Starcraft DS? ::)
Quote from: disco on July 02, 2008, 07:36 PM
So when are they announcing Starcraft DS? ::)
When MrRaza gets laid.
Quote from: Invert on July 03, 2008, 12:41 AM
Quote from: disco on July 02, 2008, 07:36 PM
So when are they announcing Starcraft DS? ::)
When MrRaza gets laid.
Synonymous with never?
guys lets be nice, diablo3 was announced.
Quote from: Warrior on July 03, 2008, 10:34 AM
guys lets be nice, diablo3 was announced.
Stop being gay.
Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on July 03, 2008, 02:05 PM
Quote from: Warrior on July 03, 2008, 10:34 AM
guys lets be nice, diablo3 was announced.
Stop being gay.
its hypocritical to expect of others what you yourself have yet to master
Quote from: Warrior on July 04, 2008, 01:05 AM
its hypocritical to expect of others what you yourself have yet to master
Who are you? Take a moment to reflect on what you've been saying laying, because it's all really, really gay.
Quote from: chyea on July 04, 2008, 01:46 AM
Quote from: Warrior on July 04, 2008, 01:05 AM
its hypocritical to expect of others what you yourself have yet to master
Who are you? Take a moment to reflect on what you've been saying laying, because it's all really, really gay.
Quote from: chyea on July 04, 2008, 01:46 AM
Quote from: Warrior on July 04, 2008, 01:05 AM
its hypocritical to expect of others what you yourself have yet to master
Who are you? Take a moment to reflect on what you've been saying laying, because it's all really, really gay.
I see this is your first post. Welcome to the forums. ::)
Quote from: Yegg on July 04, 2008, 08:20 PM
Quote from: chyea on July 04, 2008, 01:46 AM
Quote from: Warrior on July 04, 2008, 01:05 AM
its hypocritical to expect of others what you yourself have yet to master
Who are you? Take a moment to reflect on what you've been saying laying, because it's all really, really gay.
I see this is your first post. Welcome to the forums. ::)
It isn't. He's warz. warz deleted his old account because he believed that this forum was dead.
I am not warz. Warz is nothing more than a whisper amongst the elite, in regards to something more elite. This forum is dead, btw. Go back to 4chan, brew, you azn-haxor, you.
addendum: brew really, really, really needs to go back to school. he's pretty damn dumb. hey brew, still hex editing your windows themes? you know you can just right click on the desktop and go to some theme editor bullshit, right? just double checking... i wouldn't want you to, oh you know, do any unnecessary work while you're at it. keep me posted.
Quote from: chyea on July 05, 2008, 12:44 AM
I am not warz. Warz is nothing more than a whisper amongst the elite, in regards to something more elite. This forum is dead, btw. Go back to 4chan, brew, you azn-haxor, you.
addendum: brew really, really, really needs to go back to school. he's pretty damn dumb. hey brew, still hex editing your windows themes? you know you can just right click on the desktop and go to some theme editor bullshit, right? just double checking... i wouldn't want you to, oh you know, do any unnecessary work while you're at it. keep me posted.
you see that ^
thats an example of text no one cares about
Quote from: chyea on July 05, 2008, 12:44 AM
I am not warz. Warz is nothing more than a whisper amongst the elite, in regards to something more elite. This forum is dead, btw. Go back to 4chan, brew, you azn-haxor, you.
addendum: brew really, really, really needs to go back to school. he's pretty damn dumb. hey brew, still hex editing your windows themes? you know you can just right click on the desktop and go to some theme editor bullshit, right? just double checking... i wouldn't want you to, oh you know, do any unnecessary work while you're at it. keep me posted.
Sorry, that's torque.
Quote from: Newby on May 13, 2008, 12:46 AM
and possibly bend you over
look back and watch me smack that
all on the floor
smack that
give me some more
smack that
til you get sore
smack that
This thread delivered beyond DIII. This is pure comedy.
Thank you all.
This is friggin hilarious
I'm looking forward to D3 since wow is pretty crappy
Quote from: AcidAngel on July 22, 2008, 08:21 PM
I'm looking forward to D3 since wow is pretty crappy
Um.... this brings back memories... you and your skimpy dressed sorceress. :P