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Messages - xpeh

Invert, like you after you set your butthurt free? Wake up Neo, nobody owe you something. And now go to toilet and stop shitting in my thread instead.
IF you wanna pay attention on terminology, that's not collision but first preimage.

And yes, this forum went completely retarded. What was happened with old VL, after some admin retard has nuked the database for last half year?

I thought you are one of few working Battle.Net programming forums, but no. Not anymore.
Yes, except for Warcraft 3. But i never said i would give them for absolutely free.
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 16, 2011, 09:56 PM
I made no promices. I am just researching, if it is worst to engage with it.

Quote from: Invert on July 16, 2011, 09:23 PM
If you don't produce a War3 CD-Key for me...you should be banned from the forums.
Hahaha guy you are funny. But wait... I can produce a CD-Key for you, but you will be banned for 2 days every time you use it. Agree?
Lol retard, if you are unabled to read the first post in this topic, so i'll do it for you:

Post here xsha1 and sha1 hashes of any string no longer that 16 characters, and i'll try to decrypt it. Undestand?
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 16, 2011, 06:04 PM
Yea, first, talk not for all, and second, will someone give something in exchange  elsewhere?
Why do you talk instead of testing that?
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 16, 2011, 08:52 AM
Does someone want to pay or give me something else for cdkeys for games before warcraft 3? Especially starcraft. Or are they worthless yet?
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 15, 2011, 10:52 AM
I mean Battle.Net 1.0 (Starcraft till Warcraft 3)
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 15, 2011, 10:30 AM
No, i don't.
Just read the op post... (Is it true that most persons here are native english speakers? I highly doubt that now)
You mean what i have written - you can obtain a password from xsha1 hash?
Trash Can / Re: Someone needs working cd-keys?
July 15, 2011, 07:08 AM
What the heck?

If you feel yourself  owed to move it somewhere else, why in the trash can?
If yes - which games are needed?