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Right(message, Len(message)

Started by Yegg, October 30, 2004, 03:24 PM

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I was trying to suggest just one Select case.
My main reasoning is just that its alot cleaner to read and what if you want more then one access level to be able to use the same command? Making a select case of all your commands, and then haveing one "If MyAccess < ReqAccess then Exit Sub" Line for each command would be easier, but thats just my opinion, and I don't want to get into anything about it.

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I would think it would be rather impossible to incorporate all possible ranks into one If/Then or one Select Case/Case structure. Unless of course, you want each rank to have all of the same commands. You would have to direct flow to differing parts of the sub to test whether or not this access can use this command or this command or the next two, etc. How would you set up multiple flows without , incidentally, setting up multiple flows?


:o, um i have my own way in which my bot reads a users access level. all i wanted to know wus a simple way in the bot reading wut is said after a certain message, like in my first post.

Dim Master As String
Master = Form2.txtMaster.text
If LCase(username) = Master And LCase(Message) = Trigger & "say" Then
Send Right(message, Len(message) - 4)
End If

by using that exact code, it used 2 work for me. but for some odd reason 1 day it just stopped. I figured i must have done something wrong with it. i dont need a ton of help on check access or a million other things.

........cant belive it wus so obvious, but i figured out wut i did wrong it works now, but ty for the help guys.