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invalid password no matter what

Started by Laff, October 16, 2004, 04:38 PM

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no matter what i do, i get invalid password.  here's some packets, maybe you can see what's wrong.

here's response for bnet packet 0x53, with the 2nd 4 bytes specifying i pass cd key and version check
ff 53 48 00 00 00 00 00 fb 58 b2 5e 90 df 7d 11  .SH......X.^..}.
d0 b2 15 cb 5e 4c 37 b3 d7 60 d5 8c 95 91 df 20  ....^L7..`......
68 43 ee 88 e8 af bc c8 39 6c 9a 2f 8e 61 e0 ee  hC......9l./.a..
fd 10 13 f8 b1 db 5c 28 8e 18 61 6d 82 dd b0 6a  ......\(..am...j
eb 1a 01 8b 3a e5 55 c8                          ....:.U.

this is sending out packet 0x03 to bnls, with the 16 dwords from the previous as specified in bnetdocs
43 00 03 fb 58 b2 5e 90 df 7d 11 d0 b2 15 cb 5e  C...X.^..}.....^
4c 37 b3 d7 60 d5 8c 95 91 df 20 68 43 ee 88 e8  L7..`......hC...
af bc c8 39 6c 9a 2f 8e 61 e0 ee fd 10 13 f8 b1  ...9l./.a.......
db 5c 28 8e 18 61 6d 82 dd b0 6a eb 1a 01 8b 3a  .\(..am...j....:
e5 55 c8                                         .U.             

this is the response from bnls packet 0x03 with the 5 dwords supposedly necessary for bnet packet 0x54
17 00 03 c7 35 04 b0 e4 20 3e be 7a ce 6d 3f 75  ....5....>.z.m?u
78 fd 05 5f fa 88 d0                             x.._...         

this is me sending out bnet packet 0x54 with the 5 dwords from bnls put in as specified
ff 54 18 00 c7 35 04 b0 e4 20 3e be 7a ce 6d 3f  .T...5....>.z.m?
75 78 fd 05 5f fa 88 d0                          ux.._...       

this is packet reponse for 0x54, the 0x02 in the 2nd dword is the error code specifying invalid password
ff 54 1c 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .T..............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00              ............   

anyone got ideas on what i can do?  i know i'm doing the correct password, i have tested it with war3.


Show IN/OUT BNLS 0x02 and OUT BNCS 0x53?

Btw: first DWORD of BNCS SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON (0x53) response isn't CDKey/Version success, that's on packet SID_AUTH_CHECK (0x51)


17 00 02 6c 61 66 66 62 6f 74 00 6e 65 77 70 61  ...laffbot.newpa
73 73 77 6f 72 64 00                             ssword.         

23 00 02 41 42 67 64 a5 a3 bd d6 1e dc 45 6e 3e  #..ABgd......En>
19 a1 55 4c c6 11 d3 4c 8a 39 fb 91 89 e1 30 79  ..UL...L.9....0y
a5 8e 5f                                         .._             

ff 53 2c 00 41 42 67 64 a5 a3 bd d6 1e dc 45 6e  .S,.ABgd......En
3e 19 a1 55 4c c6 11 d3 4c 8a 39 fb 91 89 e1 30  >..UL...L.9....0
79 a5 8e 5f 6c 61 66 66 62 6f 74 00              y.._laffbot.   

ff 53 48 00 00 00 00 00 40 96 e0 1a 70 00 c7 5f  [email protected].._
8c 7c 53 35 de a2 b0 90 79 f2 04 53 21 db 07 2e  .|S5....y..S!...
27 dd 3e 06 38 a8 f5 ee 6b 24 f8 57 e5 bd fe 6b  '.>.8...k$.W...k
9e 6c fb 7d b4 de 9d 96 ad 9f 10 34 fc 62 01 fb  .l.}.......4.b..
89 4b cd f8 5f 58 e3 a0                          .K.._X..       

43 00 03 40 96 e0 1a 70 00 c7 5f 8c 7c 53 35 de  [email protected].._.|S5.
a2 b0 90 79 f2 04 53 21 db 07 2e 27 dd 3e 06 38  ...y..S!...'.>.8
a8 f5 ee 6b 24 f8 57 e5 bd fe 6b 9e 6c fb 7d b4  ...k$.W...k.l.}.
de 9d 96 ad 9f 10 34 fc 62 01 fb 89 4b cd f8 5f  ......4.b...K.._
58 e3 a0                                         X..             

17 00 03 45 d9 e6 1c 56 04 52 76 16 88 b6 4b f9  ...E...V.Rv...K.
84 6d 0d a9 90 2c 49                             .m...,I         

ff 54 18 00 45 d9 e6 1c 56 04 52 76 16 88 b6 4b  .T..E...V.Rv...K
f9 84 6d 0d a9 90 2c 49                          ..m...,I       

ff 54 1c 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .T..............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00              ............   

i changed my pw to newpassword so you could test if you think i'm just stupid.

i guess i meant to say logon accepted, not cdkey/version success.  i was just lookin at the wrong part of the file.


Did you specify what NLS revision to use? (BNLS packet with id 0x0D)


nope, that did it though.  thanks a lot!