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What spirit is really controlling George W Bush?

Started by Adron, April 02, 2003, 07:27 AM

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Stop scaring people like that Adron.  What's even scarier is, when I first read the title, I thought it said Sprint instead of spirit.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


for some reason he looks realy high in that pic 8\



That is the most discusting piece of shit I ever saw, and yes, BUSH IS A MORON!! 14% tax on all soft wood being shipped to canada, fuck his thoughts about "freedom", I was happy and free before that piece of shit came into power  >:(
Seen as +i!+Wolf+i!+, (i!)~Wolf~(i!)


Quote from: Wolf on April 04, 2003, 05:52 PM

That is the most discusting piece of shit I ever saw, and yes, BUSH IS A MORON!! 14% tax on all soft wood being shipped to canada, fuck his thoughts about "freedom", I was happy and free before that piece of shit came into power  >:(

*Strays off topic*
So now you're not "happy and free"?  I doubt it.  Also, I am a little confused about this "14% tax on all soft wood being shipped to canada" rant.  Now this can be taken one of two ways: 1 - Canada imposes a 14% tax on imports of softwood which would have nothing to do with Bush, or 2 - The US imposes a 14% tax on exports of softwood, which I think you're alluding to.  But from what I've read, "the United States last year imposed tariffs averaging 27 percent on softwood imports from four Canadian provinces..." (Source: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/business/20030204-1434-lumberdispute.html).  Protectionism is a great thing as long as it there to protect our own economy, which I'm sure the reason was.  Continuing from the last quote, "...contending that government subsidies kept Canadian lumber prices artificially low and threatened the U.S. industry."  Point-in-case, if you're going to rant and rave about someone at least get your facts straight.

*Gets back on topic*
Love the picture ;)

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: Wolf on April 04, 2003, 05:52 PM

That is the most discusting piece of shit I ever saw, and yes, BUSH IS A MORON!! 14% tax on all soft wood being shipped to canada, fuck his thoughts about "freedom", I was happy and free before that piece of shit came into power  >:(
You are a fucking idiot, as you have proved several times on this forum.

Why don't you cite us with ONE SPECIFIC EVENT that proves that Bush is a moron?

Speeches don't count, I don't give a shit if he sucks at public speaking. I'm talking about actions.



Has 0 mg sodium when he's not choking to death from a salted pretzel lodged down his throat.
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


I'd cite spending billions of dollars in a war with iraq, and inventing copious excuses for doing so,  instead of spending that money researching alternatives for oil, but that's just me.

Banana fanna fo fanna

So you're saying we should let Iraq build nukes?


No, they're all saying they're too chickenshit to do anything about it, and that it is far easier to stand on the sidelines and critique the actions of others who have the balls to act.

They probably all wish that we hadn't gotten involved in WWII and saved their ungrateful asses from Hitler.  At least, they wish to forget it ever happened.  They can't stand it, especially the cowardly French, who refuse to ever get involved militarily, hoping and even knowing full well that the United States will do it for them.

That lets them sit smugly and feel good about themselves, and chant 'diplomacy', 'diplomacy', while tyrants like Saddam Hussein milk the French cowardice and sympathies for all it is worth on the international scene.

Frankly, I say fuck the rest of the world.  Only Britains, Australians, and Americans have really earned the right to have a voice in this, as they're the only ones who put their lives on the line to solve a world problem.

Let's stop rebuilding other countries after earthquakes and floods and famines.  Let's stop sending billions of dollars in loans, and then conveniently forgiving them when those countries don't pay it back.

Hell, they never pay it back, and they always get forgiven.  How many countries have paid back the loans?  Thought so.

Does this give us the right to act in Iraq?  You're damned right it does.  If we don't stop Saddam Hussein, he'll be nuking Turkey or Greece or Israel or the United States.  I hope he suffered a horrible death, similar to the aggregate of those hundreds of thousands he had tortured and killed in the past 30 years.

So all you pacifist spineless countries, keep on sitting on the sidelines until its you who are in need.  I'm sure you'll be calling on us to help and I hope we say fuck off when you do call.  Maybe the goodwill of the United States can become as short as your dicks.

Do I have a right to say this?  Damn right I do.  I gave six years of my life to the defense of the United States, allies, and the free world, with the expressed will of doing precisely that.  Truth is, if people who are exceptionally qualified, such as myself, are not willing to do it, then lesser qualified people will be forced into the role.  While it was a complete waste of 6 years as far as my career goes, it was completely worth it towards the goals of the defense of OUR DEFINITION of freedom and democracy.

I stress our definition because I know some intellectual punk sitting in safety in a little corner of who-knows-where will want to argue semantics of everything said here.  But quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass about your definitions unless you've put your life on the line repeatedly, and in servitude, in defense of your notions.

You Grok?


Eh, Grok? A few weeks ago you were arguing against the war :P
Anyway, this thread is hardly "fun" anymore.. someone go post a picture of Saddam humping a camel.
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


Quote from: Naem on April 06, 2003, 04:47 PM
Eh, Grok? A few weeks ago you were arguing against the war :P
Anyway, this thread is hardly "fun" anymore.. someone go post a picture of Saddam humping a camel.

Grok will argue either side of an issue, just like me :-)

In response to what Grok says, I just want to remember what happened in WW2.  While Canada and the rest of the world fought, the US did nothing.  It wasn't until years later that Japan attacked the US and finally they decided to get into the war.  It wasn't until THEY felt threatened that they actually did something, and didn't help us when we wanted help.

Now this happened again, on 09/11/01, the US felt threatened again.  So now they're fighting a war again and making fun of Canada for not participating, which is exactly what the US did in WW2!  

I don't think I'm alone in the world in thinking that staying out of a war is NOT a sign of cowardice.  If somebody wants to make fun of how Canada handled this war, first defend how the US handled WW2 pre-Pearl Harbour (without getting bogged down in semantics that is wasn't called world war 2 until after Pearl Harbour, that's not really the point since there was still a war happening).
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Naem on April 06, 2003, 04:47 PM
Eh, Grok? A few weeks ago you were arguing against the war :P
Anyway, this thread is hardly "fun" anymore.. someone go post a picture of Saddam humping a camel.
Not exactly what you requested, but this is all I could Google in 5 minutes.


Honest to God, if i have to put up with another american who expects europeans to be beholden to the US for all eternity just because of WW2, i'm gonna barf. iago is quite right.

Iraq has no nukes. Iraq has no chemical weapons. Iraq has no biological weapons. No evidence has been presented to us by any world leader to date that he poses any threat to us whatsoever. Their argument amounts to: "He does. No, really. Yes, he does. He presents a clear and present danger. He's bad. 9/11, 9/11, 9/11. War on terrorism. Saddam bad." etc.

Iraq would never give WMD to fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. If they did, the terrorists would most likely use them on Iraq before they used them on us. Hussien *hates* fundamentalist islam, as has been demonstrated by his 7 year war with iran over the issue - the very war in which Iraq used chemical weapons with the full knowledge and backing of the US. He has gone to exceptional lengths to eradicate fundamentalism in iraq, also. Don't get me wrong - he's a monster, a thoroughly evil man, and I wish he wasn't in power, but he is. This war is not about terrorism, it's not about WMD, and it's DEFINATELY not about humanitarianism, or 'liberating' iraq. It's about oil.

UNSCOM did a spectacular job disarming Iraq after the last war. They were starting to do the same this time, but just when they actually started destroying Iraq's missiles (which, by the way, were NOT in violation of sanctions - they only had the *potential* to be modified so that they would exceed the allowed range) the US declares war. Doesn't that strike anyone as a bit strange? That just as evidence refuting Bush & Blair starts to become available, the war begins?

This war is about oil, and Bush/Blair have been feeding us a pack of lies from day one. It sickens me that so many people have been taken in by it.