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Warcraft III Patch 1.17

Started by DeTaiLs, September 20, 2004, 03:08 PM

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b.net realsed a new patch here is some of the things they fixed

Fixed a problem that caused some instant spells cast after a targeted spell to execute before the targeted spell.
Fixed problems with the Melee AI when it attempted to use certain instant spells.
Fixed a problem with Morphing units re-executing commands that were interrupted by the morph timer expiring.
Fixed an exploit that would allow players to track enemy units under the fog of war with queued move commands.
Fixed a problem with units following enemy units and never proceeding to the next order when they moved underneath the fog.
Fixed a problem with spells that can target a point or unit (like Shockwave) failing when the selected target dies. If the selected target runs under the fog or teleports, the spell is intended to fail.
Fixed a problem with Envenomed Spears wearing off too early if the affected unit was also affected by Slow Poison.
Fixed the invisibility transition time for levels 2 and 3 of Wind Walk.
Fixed Devour such that devoured units now give experience to the owner of the Kodo Beast if it gets polymorphed/hexed and instantly digests the unit.
Fixed rally points such that friendly units will no longer cancel rally orders to Heroes that teleport or Mirror Image.
Fixed illusions so they now get correct damage, armor, life, and mana bonuses consistent with the original units.
Fixed an issue with morphed units that could cause them to cost food when revived by Animated Dead if they had died in their morphed form.
Fixed upgrading buildings such that they now receive the correct hit point bonus from the Masonry upgrade.
Fixed a problem that could cause manually cast arrow abilities to occasionally fail.
Fixed channeling units so they will auto-queue orders issued to the entire selection except for Stop and Hide. Orders issued to the selected subgroup will break channeling (so you can teleport out of the area while channeling).
Fixed units in the middle of a non-channeling spell such that they will now auto-queue all orders until the spell is complete.
Fixed observers so they now recieve notifications when ANY player's forces are under attack.
Fixed Hero icons so their order is now consistent throughout the game.
Fixed replay speeds so they can once again be changed while the replay is paused.


OR you could just check out Blizzard's Page and get all the information about it!

<edit> I fail to see how gameplay differences affect bot development.  Am I missing something?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on September 20, 2004, 04:13 PM
OR you could just check out Blizzard's Page and get all the information about it!

<edit> I fail to see how gameplay differences affect bot development.  Am I missing something?

Eh, They are probably just complaining because bnls hasn't updated yet, at-least that's what I've read elsewhere. Don't know haven't checked ;).


I wasent bitching about nothing and i was already in this so i just hit new topic for here


Well I am bitching, Okay so none of you know me and this is my first post. Shame it had to be a bad one, wasn't any of the developers expecting the patch to be released?

At the moment there are bots dependent on the BNLS - Battle.net Logon Server, and it needs to be updated. Any chances it could happen in the next few hours? Or will we have to wait for a couple of weeks?  >:(


How about you go out and hash wc3 yourself, and stop depending on BNLS.

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.


Do you have a illustration of how to do that? I think it's physically impossible. So because I don't pay I don't have a right to be angry?
I'm not sure that a good enough reason to not solve the problem.

Lets look at it from this point of view, IF user did have to pay for this service, would they after the bad service provided?
Maybe you could learn something intelligent instead of looking at diagrams on how to position your body parts where they shouldn't go.


Did I not mention people dependent on Bots?

Well I am one of those people. I do have a copy of numerous games made by blizzard, thank you for your concern.


CCNA, CCNP, Senior Network, Systems, Security Administrator.  irc.darkexile.com which is also irc.valhallalegends.com #vL



It would be interesting to know you have one. And I am not here to give everybody a good impression I am here to let people be aware of the situation. You obviously don't like my opinion of it, but to be honest I couldn't care less. Carry on posting insults about me, talking to me as if I am stupid. One day when you grow up (which I hope you haven't yet). You will understand that when you talk to people in certain ways, i.e. antagonistic, flippant, condescending, you will be ignored by the people that count. Hard lesson to learn but please feel free to continue wasting your time.


BNLS is provided free of charge by [vL], it is noway condoned by Blizzard or Battle.net. Hense forth when they update it's not like they notify [vL] that there updating and hey while were updating here's the code and info you'll need to patch your service along with ours. So look at it from [vL]'s point of view they are not going to to go out of there way to watch everything that Battle.net does, and they will update accordingly when they have the time. If you have any concerns or problems with the way they run the service than don't use it.

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.


CCNA, CCNP, Senior Network, Systems, Security Administrator.  irc.darkexile.com which is also irc.valhallalegends.com #vL



So there is no customer care service?
Its just [vL] and their vast knowledge of programming?
Either way, a right to complain is a right to complain. Taking my service else where might be the answer to me, but it isnt to [vL].

I am just trying to get people to do something about it. All you seem to be doing is thinking of smart things to say to me.


Quote from: (V)eh on September 20, 2004, 05:06 PM
Wow makes me wonder if why im so pathetic and stupid that Joy stuck up for me, whos um yes a vL member and why no one has stuck up for you. I have grown up and my response is that Id be pissed if I provided a free service and it was flamed. You will learn that if u speak your mind in a real situation you could get fired, if it was a job.

Maybe you can tell me the relevance of this comment to the comment I made?


Quote from: (V)eh on September 20, 2004, 05:09 PM
And I am thinking of smart things to say. Im am laughing my head of at this post as we type! You dont have the right to complain at a free service with 5 posts all complaining. At least I have over 600 and havnt bitched about anyhting except this topic.

Now your comments aren't making any sense to me. Are you disagreeing that I have a right to complain because it's a free service?