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SphtBotv3: Joining bnet restricted channels

Started by cascius, August 27, 2004, 04:51 AM

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Well hello!

I'm new to these forums and to SphtBotv3 and I already like this software. What I'm trying to achieve is the following using D2 LOD on uswest:

1. /join LoD Ladder Trading USWest-1
2. type msg
3. wait 10 seconds and loop back to #2

Here's where I'm having troubles:
1. I cannot seem to join that channel as it's marked as restricted. I think the reason why is that with my current SphtBotv3 configuration I am an open character. Is there a way and if so how would I go about geting this to work?

2&3: How can I write a spam plugin?

Btw, just to let you know, I'm not trying to do this to spam an item store website... I just want a way to trade more easily.

So is this the right software to do so? If not, do you have any other software you would recommend?

Thanks in advance,


PS: if there's a guide somewhere to do such a thing, please steer me in the right direction and I'll look at it.


SphtBotv3 does not have realm support.  You'll have to wait until a certain person writes a plugin to add it (I think someone is writting one.  I have no plans of adding support for it).  Or you could add realm support yourself if you don't want to wait.


That person came across some problems during writing the plugin.  They also think that the developer of the bot (Spht), should look into realm stuff and add support for it natively.


I see, I wouldn't mind trying to write such a plugin, but my only knowledge of programming is with Autoit 3... So I don't even know in which language plugins are written...  :-[

Anyway, I'll keep checking those forums to see if any progress is being made. In the meantime, can any of you recommend maybe another chat bot or spambot i could use? All the ones I've tryed get disconnected, need to run in fullscreen, etc...

Any thoughts?


Thanks for the replies by the way.