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Laggish Internet

Started by hismajesty, June 13, 2004, 10:33 AM

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Until recently (about 3 weeks ago) my internet always ran fine/fast/stable. Then it started being really unstable and would drop multiple times a day. I figured my cable provider was doing upgrades or testing or something so I didn't think much of it since it only lasted a few days. However, for about the past week I've been required to reset my modem/router everyday or my connection will become very laggy which I can especially notice while visiting websites, connecting to bnet, and during games of Call of Duty. For instance today I would fire and the bullet hole wouldn't appear for about a second. I found it odd though that I could run around without lag, perhaps the server just handled it well. Anyway, does anybody have any idea of why this is happening or what I can do to fix it? I don't really want the cable company using my computer so calling them will only be an option if it gets way out of hand.

Thanks in advance


Did this start happening around the same time you were mouthing off at bsd? ;)

But seriously, you will probably have to call your company :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


QuoteDid this start happening around the same time you were mouthing off at bsd? ;)

:P no


Tryed running your antivirus in safemode. And if not that do you live in an area that's developing really fast they may just be adding more people onto your line. There's a program I forget the name of it maybe someone else knows the name of it. It'll tell you who all your sharing bandwidth with.
To lazy for slackware.


If you DO call your internet company, do not mention Call of Duty - that will lead them to cop out and blame the game server. I've had it happen before.

This sounds like something that happened to a friend of mine. His cable company had to install some sort of signal amplifier outside his house. Call them up and see what they say.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot