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Old Trillian Log - Updated!

Started by BaDDBLooD, June 12, 2004, 03:13 PM

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im bored thought i'd just share this
i'd show before this stage but there was some racial words.
anyways i guess this pipe = devcode?

[16:29:45] <MyStiCaL[iL]> you don't even know what artmoney does.
[16:29:55] <Pipe> i can talk however i want, and still am smarter than you
[16:30:03] <MyStiCaL[iL]> you come n my channel talkin shit like your somebody you've never contributed to anything about nothing.
[16:30:09] <Pipe> actually
[16:30:10] <Pipe> i am somebody
[16:30:12] <Pipe> but ur not
[16:30:20] <MyStiCaL[iL]> Yeah im sure you are.
[16:30:24] <Pipe> im known in the security scene
[16:30:29] <Pipe> are u known anywhere?
[16:30:30] <Pipe> nope
[16:30:31] <MyStiCaL[iL]> you should leave the channel.
[16:30:32] <Pipe> negatory
[16:31:07] <Pipe> you're just some randy ass queer posting on vL to see if someone got code for u to copypaste in ur shitty ass bot
[16:31:26] <MyStiCaL[iL]> Yep, you have me all figured out.
[16:31:49] <Pipe> warden been private and i hope no one is stupid enough to release it to retards like you to use
[16:32:05] <MyStiCaL[iL]> I suggest you leave...
[16:33:31] <Pipe> you think ur fly cause u read somewhere that artmoney is used in hacking and u mention it in ur statements to deceive people ur smart
[16:33:35] <Pipe> you really do fale
[16:34:02] <Pipe> sad story, you're a FALEURE
[16:34:17] <MyStiCaL[iL]> i assume you've never used artmoney.
[16:35:14] <Pipe> used it few times but ive got better tools
[16:35:20] <Pipe> noobs use artmoney
[16:35:25] <Pipe> == you
[16:36:00] <MyStiCaL[iL]> what does artmoney do? i'll wait while you take your time to google.
[16:37:12] <Pipe> its funny how you think you're smart
[16:37:23] <Pipe> "ILL WAIT 4 U TO GOOGLE"
[16:38:34] <MyStiCaL[iL]> yep, you showed your true self., well besides wasting more of my time, I need to go back to writting some things.
[16:39:32] <Pipe> hows ur hello world working out
[16:39:34] MYST_IS_NOOB joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:39:50] MYST_IS_NOOB#2 joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:39:57] MYST_IS_NOOB#3 joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:40:04] MYST_IS_NOOB#4 joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:40:09] MYST_IS_NOOB#5 joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:40:12] MYST_IS_NOOB#6 joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:40:19] <Pipe> damn
[16:40:42] Pipe left the channel.
[16:40:49] Pipe joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:40:51] *{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2
[16:40:53] Pipe left the channel.
[16:40:59] Pipe joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:41:15] Pipe left the channel.
[16:41:26] *Pipe is using Starcraft Broodwar in a private channel.
[16:41:26] Pipe joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:41:32] Pipe left the channel.
[16:41:35] *Pipe is using Starcraft Broodwar in the channel The Void.
[16:41:41] Pipe joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:42:31] Pipe left the channel.
[16:43:48] Pipe joined the channel using Starcraft: Brood War.
[16:45:11] {BlaDe}CoDe^333#2 joined the channel using Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition.
[16:45:11] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> pipe
[16:45:14] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> suck on this faggot
[16:45:15] <Pipe> bl0w
[16:45:16] <Pipe> m3
[16:45:18] <Pipe> niggr
[16:45:22] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> learn to spell
[16:45:23] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> please
[16:45:23] <Pipe> BL( )W
[16:45:24] <Pipe> ME
[16:45:27] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> wow
[16:45:32] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> true geek right here folks
[16:45:37] <Pipe> BEE EL OH DOUBLEU
[16:45:39] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> _unignore pipe
[16:45:44] <Pipe> ./part
[16:45:46] <Pipe> ./depart this channel
[16:45:49] <Pipe> ./alt+f4
[16:45:50] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you are unbanned
[16:45:59] <Pipe> code
[16:46:02] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> ?
[16:46:02] <Pipe> do i look
[16:46:03] <MyStiCaL[iL]> hm
[16:46:06] <Pipe> like i give a shit about null?
[16:46:11] *MYST_IS_NOOB was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:12] MYST_IS_NOOB left the channel.
[16:46:13] *MYST_IS_NOOB#3 was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:13] MYST_IS_NOOB#3 left the channel.
[16:46:15] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i personally dont care
[16:46:15] *MYST_IS_NOOB#2 was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:15] MYST_IS_NOOB#2 left the channel.
[16:46:17] *MYST_IS_NOOB#4 was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:17] MYST_IS_NOOB#4 left the channel.
[16:46:19] *MYST_IS_NOOB#5 was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:19] MYST_IS_NOOB#5 left the channel.
[16:46:20] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you look like an idiot though
[16:46:20] *MYST_IS_NOOB#6 was banned by *SMK.
[16:46:20] MYST_IS_NOOB#6 left the channel.
[16:46:24] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> talking shit on a fucking game
[16:46:25] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> lol
[16:46:26] <Pipe> then i dont care for u telling me im unbanned
[16:46:27] <Pipe> niggr
[16:46:27] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> no life?
[16:46:30] <MyStiCaL[iL]> basicly thats true.
[16:46:31] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> nigger*
[16:46:37] <Pipe> dont ever tell me about op null
[16:46:40] <Pipe> dont tell me about ur gay teammates
[16:46:43] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> whats true myst?
[16:46:53] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> op null pipe
[16:46:56] <MyStiCaL[iL]> [16:46:20] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you look like an idiot though
[16:47:00] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you are rebanned from op null
[16:47:01] <Pipe> need more members code?
[16:47:03] <Pipe> wernt u begging me
[16:47:04] <Pipe> to join
[16:47:06] <Pipe> and i declined
[16:47:07] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> no i offered
[16:47:09] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> lmao
[16:47:13] <Pipe> i was like no
[16:47:14] <Pipe> negative
[16:47:16] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i wouldnt want your pathetic geeked self anyways
[16:47:20] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> your fucking sad kid
[16:47:25] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> go get some sunshine
[16:47:26] <Pipe> cept you asked me to join and i said no
[16:47:28] <Pipe> get over me
[16:47:41] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> sup mystical
[16:47:46] <MyStiCaL[iL]> not to much
[16:47:52] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> cool cool
[16:47:56] <MyStiCaL[iL]> doing a little re-writting.
[16:48:07] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> cool
[16:48:09] <MyStiCaL[iL]> watching the 'black' kick talk his smack.
[16:48:13] <MyStiCaL[iL]> kid*
[16:48:20] <Pipe> yawn
[16:48:25] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> he's annoying don't you agree?
[16:48:37] <Pipe> myst, dont get mad u dont have these skills
[16:48:40] <MyStiCaL[iL]> getting there, i ussally doesn't bother me though
[16:48:40] <Pipe> its ok
[16:48:42] <Pipe> dont get jealous
[16:48:43] <MyStiCaL[iL]> its just battle.net
[16:48:47] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> yes
[16:48:54] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i just find it funny how he talks shit over bnet
[16:48:57] <Pipe> dont get jealous my dear noob
[16:49:01] <MyStiCaL[iL]> jealous of what?
[16:49:01] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> and thinks he's "god" or something
[16:49:05] <Pipe> first of all, i dont talk shit just on bnet
[16:49:08] <Pipe> i talk shit everywhere to noobs i see
[16:49:09] <MyStiCaL[iL]> you don't have any proof of nothing.
[16:49:10] <Pipe> noobs i hear
[16:49:11] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> LOL
[16:49:18] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> pipe
[16:49:21] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> talk shit in rl?
[16:49:22] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> no
[16:49:30] <Pipe> why do you keep saying rl
[16:49:31] <Pipe> nig
[16:49:32] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you don't even step foot outside your door
[16:49:34] <Pipe> this is the interwebs
[16:49:39] Shou left the channel.
[16:49:42] <MyStiCaL[iL]> whats rl?
[16:49:45] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> real life
[16:49:46] ^_-i|le$'|'-_^ left the channel.
[16:49:51] <MyStiCaL[iL]> oh.
[16:49:58] <Pipe> mystical: dont need to show you my proof baby
[16:50:04] <MyStiCaL[iL]> i didn't ask u to
[16:50:06] <Pipe> unless you hax my computarz
[16:50:24] <MyStiCaL[iL]> that'd be useless time.
[16:50:27] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> computarz?
[16:50:33] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> hax?
[16:50:37] <MyStiCaL[iL]> If i did that, i'd have a new proxy though.
[16:50:43] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you are a nerd haha
[16:50:44] Shou joined the channel using Diablo II (Open character).
[16:50:52] <Pipe> code, says the guy who has an illy
[16:50:54] <Pipe> and keep it reg'd
[16:50:56] <Pipe> all these years
[16:50:56] ^_-i|le$'|'-_^ joined the channel using Diablo II (Open character).
[16:50:56] <Pipe> rofl
[16:50:57] <Pipe> sad
[16:51:01] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i dont have reg to this
[16:51:06] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> "rofl sad"
[16:51:12] <Pipe> you just made yourself look dumb
[16:51:15] <Pipe> now go back to your gay lil clan
[16:51:16] <MyStiCaL[iL]> i think someone takes it all to seriously.
[16:51:27] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> and who is that myst
[16:51:31] <MyStiCaL[iL]> pipe.
[16:51:33] <Pipe> pipe
[16:51:44] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> lol
[16:51:47] <MyStiCaL[iL]> its ironic i use to be a glass blower. :|
[16:52:13] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> hey pipe if you dont shut up im going to "haxarz y0u)2 computaRz"
[16:52:21] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you understand that geek speak?
[16:52:38] <Pipe> you know what i would understand? if u /wrists
[16:52:47] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> lol
[16:52:52] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> want to share razors?
[16:53:00] <MyStiCaL[iL]> i have a raz0r.
[16:53:06] <Pipe> i have a razr
[16:53:08] <MyStiCaL[iL]> I want to upgrade to the chocolate v2 though.
[16:53:09] <Pipe> black
[16:53:10] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> maybe we can find a rope and a ceiling fan too
[16:53:26] <Pipe> code, nah just you
[16:53:26] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i got a iphone
[16:53:31] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> and the shit fucking broke already
[16:53:35] <Pipe> cry more
[16:53:38] <Pipe> www.iphonetears.org
[16:53:47] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> oh.. wow
[16:53:52] <MyStiCaL[iL]> iphone i couldn't own, i always drop my phone when i get outta the truck.
[16:53:57] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> you know that site well don't you sir
[16:54:05] <Pipe> i dont own an iphone
[16:54:07] <Pipe> ur 14
[16:54:10] <Pipe> u just hit puberty
[16:54:12] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> mine was one of the faulty ones.
[16:54:13] <Pipe> u have acne all over ur face
[16:54:19] <Pipe> and ur in a clan
[16:54:22] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> i got it when it first came out before i knew they had problems
[16:54:23] <Pipe> whats the big deal?
[16:54:25] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> pipe im 18
[16:54:27] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> almost 19
[16:54:29] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> shh
[16:54:49] <{BlaDe}CoDe^333#2> anyways
[16:54:58] <MyStiCaL[iL]> i need hosting.
[16:55:02] <Pipe> its funny makin fun of noobs
[16:55:04] <Pipe> love teh laffs
[16:55:26] ^_-i|le$'|'-_^ left the channel.
[16:55:26] <Pipe> ive made fun of a shitload of niggrs this week
[16:55:36] Disconnected from Battle.net server!
[16:55:37] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net...


Damn, I'm so hot when it comes to rollin noobs like blunts


hrmmm... what about this is fun? i want my free time back damnit.


Quote from: MyStiCaL on November 05, 2007, 03:11 PM
by the time stamp he signed off before his last couple of messages o.O
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 05, 2007, 05:52 PM
all the time stamps in the "log" are funked

AIM 6.2 does that for some reason. It seems to use times from both people's computers... idk what the deal is. Trust me, the log is real. lol


Quote from: devcode on November 05, 2007, 08:50 PM
Damn, I'm so hot when it comes to rollin noobs like blunts

Yeah. You have quite a knack for getting yourself rolled.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.
