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Started by haZe, December 27, 2002, 08:10 AM

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Haze, read what Zakath wrote:
QuoteThat's because it's only a snipper [an example] So, if a code snippet doesn't work because "username" [***] isn't a defined variable, substitute in the variable that you use to hold the username in question!
haze read zakath's quote above.
My USERNAME variable is not the same as your USERNAME variable. Yours may be STRACCOUNT, STRUSER, USER, etc...Find out what it is...search the code for something similar


Uhhh...It already has Parse_OnJoin and Parse_OnLeave things. But it doesn't take affect.
Private Sub Event_Join(strUser, strFlag, strProduct)
frmBot.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Add frmBot.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Count + 1, , strUser, , GetIconCode(strProduct, strFlag)
    If Mid(strFlag, 3, 1) = "1" Then frmBot.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Item(frmBot.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Count).ForeColor = vbYellow
End Sub
Private Sub Event_Leave(strUser, strFlag)
    'User leaves current channel
    'strUser: User's Name
    'strFlag: User's Status Flag
frmBot.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Remove (frmBot.ChannelUsers.FindItem(strUser).Index)
End Sub
Can someone please tell me whats wrong with that code!!! =[

Mesiah / haiseM


If your looking for NOTIFICATIONS, you have everything right, except adding to the rtb.

I dunno what u use, AddChat, or rtbAdd, or whatever u may use. But you need to stick something in there like:

rtbadd vbgreen, strUser & " has left the channel." & vbcrlf

or whatever.
]HighBrow Innovations
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k thx mesiah i have thad a chance 2 test it yet tho :/
when i do ull be sure to hear from me =D


QuoteNOO! Yoni I didn't understand a word of that document  :-/
Umm... Don't make a binary bot.
(erase: It is binary according to the screenshot.)

haZe: You should stop pasting everybody else's source code into one big mess and expect it to work without trying to understand it yourself. Maybe one day there will be an MSWord-like bot editor with a little clippy that goes "It looks like you're writing a bot!" but not yet.


Yoni I didn't ask for your comments.

hey wanna see somethin cool?
 ::)  :o

Edit - Removed repeated faces.


Way to get someone's respect, haZe. *sigh*


..well when u criticize me whatd'ya want me to do :/
sry yoni :/
but im not sorry to SOME OTHER PEOPLE


ok, im usually a ghost on this forum..reading up, but I just have to post here. Haze, obviously you are an amateur with visual basic. I would take the time to learn your basics before you get into something of this advancement. After about 6 months of doing what I just suggested to you, I am getting into this kind of programming. I usually don't pass judgement like this, and if I have gone wrong, I apologise, but don't make a fool of yourself like this.

Also--reacting immaturely:

QuoteYoni I didn't ask for your comments.

hey wanna see somethin cool?
 ::)  :o

Edit - Removed repeated faces.

like the faces, will only make you look more foolish :-)



I thank you for your wise advice. but, quite frankly, all I want is a book on vb6 (not how to use everything, on the syntaxes and stuff). Reading a website and dling other ppls code is boring and isn't really a learning expirience to me. So if you know any B O O K S that I could learn VB6 on, please reply!

Yes, the smily faces are kinda lame but who cares


I would highly suggest Visual Basic 6.0 for Dummies. That is what I started out on. However, this book gets old after a while and I almost guarantee you will lose interest as I did. What I've done recently is ask for snippets and their explainations on various forums.

Some suggestions?

http://kickme.to/datoforums - they have a good vb section there, prompt replies-- dont be a dumbass

http://www.acky.net - a couple good tutorials and an archive of code

http://www.planet-source-code.com - nutload of code

http://www.winsockvb.com - this is one of the best winsockvb tutorial sites I have found, please do check this out

One more thing: Just of out curiosity, how old are you? I've been in this crowd since I was 10, I am 13 now.



im 11


ooh the age thingie ^^
i've been (attempting) :P to program since 8, am 14 now


LoL! You started programming when you were 8? I started when I was 10-In QBasic. -.- It's only a 2 years differnce and boy it shows..lol


Haze-- You have to be kidding me. Tell me you're kiding me. Please.
