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Battle.net Connection Errors

Started by Mephisto, May 02, 2004, 05:50 PM

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Just recently during the period of Battle.net maintenance and Starcraft patch 1.11 release and to this point still, I have been having difficulties connecting to USWest.  The problem is that I have one client loaded and connected to Battle.net.  When I try to connect another client, the connect is rejected similar to an IPBan, but not.  If I attempt to reconnect over and over again in a short period of time, it manages to successfully connect.  The result in the end though, is the client that was already connected before gets disconnected, and the client which I had just got to connect remains connected.  I found this rather odd, because I don't see any error documentation of this anywhere, and have never had problems like this before.  And it's not because I have 8+ clients loaded.  I only have one, and IIRC, if you have 8 clients loaded, the 9th will never connect.  Anyways, the bottom line is, when I have a client already connected, and manage to get a second connected the already connected one gets disconnected and the newly connected client stays connected.

Has this happened to anyone before?  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem?

Notes that this is only happening on USWest, all other realms are fine.


Do you realize you said "connect" or some variation of it 17 times?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Shut up, iago.  :)


Quote from: iago on May 02, 2004, 05:52 PM
Do you realize you said "connect" or some variation of it 17 times?

Not unexpected, since he has CONNECTion problems?