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[VB] Richtextbox colors

Started by FiReGoD, February 26, 2003, 12:53 PM

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Private Sub access_BnetDisconnected()
frmBot.ShowTxt "< Disconnected from Bnet >" & vbCrLf
txtChannel.Text = " "
End Sub

how do i make that red in my richtextbox
frmBot.ShowTxt "< Disconnected from Bnet >" & vbCrLf, vbred?


Let's see your ShowTxt() function.


Public Sub ShowTxt(strTxt As String)
    'Show text in main chat box, and scroll to end
    txtChat.Text = txtChat.Text & "[" & Time & "]" & strTxt
    txtChat.SelStart = Len(txtChat.Text)
    With txtChat
    If Len(.Text) > 31200 Then
    txtChat = " "
    End If
    End With
End Sub


Instead of me modifying your code, may I suggest that you use Grok's excellent AddChat subroutine?

Private Sub AddChat(ParamArray saElements() As Variant)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(saElements) To UBound(saElements) Step 2
    With txtChat
        .SelStart = Len(.Text)
        .SelLength = 0
        .SelColor = saElements(i)
        .SelText = saElements(i + 1) & Left$(vbCrLf, -2 * CLng((i + 1) = UBound(saElements)))
        .SelStart = Len(.Text)
    End With
    Next i
End Sub

This supports passing text with multiple colors. For example:

AddChat vbWhite, "<", vbYellow, "Spht", vbWhite, "> Hello."


feh...doesnt have string array input, but whatcha gonna do?

Public Enum MyColorConsts
    ColInfo = vbYellow
    ColAnnounce = vbMagenta
    ColMyText = vbWhite
    ColMyUn = vbCyan
    ColMyEmote = vbYellow
    colTalkText = vbWhite
    ColTalkUn = vbYellow
    ColTalkOpText = vbWhite
    ColTalkOpUn = vbWhite
    ColTalkBlizText = vbCyan
    ColTalkBlizUn = vbCyan
    ColEncrypt = vbMagenta
    ColProfile = vbWhite
    ColChannel = vbGreen
    ColJoinPart = vbGreen
    ColAnError = vbRed
    ColEmote = vbYellow
    ColEmoteOp = vbWhite
    ColEmoteBliz = vbCyan
    ColWhisperUn = vbCyan
    ColWhisperText = &H808080
    ColWhisperFromUn = vbYellow
    ColWhisperFromText = &H808080
End Enum

Public Sub ClearChat()
    Dim x, Y As Integer
    x = Len(frmMain.txtChat.Text)
    If x = 0 Then Exit Sub 'bleh, dont hit then before any connections :(
    For Y = 1 To 100
        x = InStrRev(frmMain.txtChat.Text, vbCrLf, x, vbBinaryCompare)
        If x = 0 Then Exit Sub 'GoTo bailchop
    frmMain.txtChat.Text = Right(frmMain.txtChat.Text, Len(frmMain.txtChat.Text) - x)
    frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = 0
    frmMain.txtChat.SelLength = Len(frmMain.txtChat.Text)
    frmMain.txtChat.SelColor = &HA0A0A0
    frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = Len(frmMain.txtChat.Text)
End Sub

Public Sub AddText(style As MyColorConsts, ByVal mytext As String, ByVal UseTimeStamp As Boolean)
    Dim x As Integer
        x = InStr(x + 1, mytext, "ÿC")
        If x > 0 Then
            Dim color As ColorConstants
            color = 0
            Select Case (Mid(mytext, x + 2, 1))
                Case "0": color = RGB(208, 208, 208) 'white
                Case "1": color = RGB(208, 64, 64) 'red
                Case "2": color = RGB(0, 208, 0) 'green
                Case "3": color = RGB(88, 88, 208) 'vbBlue
                Case "4": color = 0 'fixme:beige
                Case "5": color = &H545454 'gray
                Case "6": color = vbBlack 'will this show?
                Case "7": color = RGB(160, 160, 100) 'fixme:beige
                Case "8": color = RGB(208, 136, 0) 'orange
                Case "9": color = RGB(208, 208, 80) 'lt.yellow
            End Select
    'ÿC1 text displays RED text
    'ÿC2 text displays GREEN text
    'ÿC3 text displays BLUE text
    'ÿC4 text displays BEIGE text
    'ÿC5 text displays GRAY text
    'ÿC6 text displays BLACK text
    'ÿC7 text displays BEIGE text
    'ÿC8 text displays ORANGE text
    'ÿC9 text displays YELLOW text
            If color <> 0 Then
                Addtext style, Left(mytext, x - 1), usetimestampp
                Addtext color, Mid(mytext, x + 3), False
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    Loop While x > 0

    With frmMain.txtChat
        If Len(.TextRTF) > 65535 Then ClearChat
        If (UseTimeStamp = True) And (frmSetup.TSType > 0) Then
            .SelStart = Len(.Text)
            .SelLength = 0
            .SelColor = vbWhite
            Select Case frmSetup.TSType
                Case 1
                    .SelText = "[" & Zero(DatePart("h", Now), 2) & _
                           ":" & Zero(DatePart("m", Now), 2) & _
                           ":" & Zero(DatePart("s", Now), 2) & _
                           "] "
                Case Else '2
                    .SelText = "[" & Date & " " & Time & "] "
            End Select
        End If
        .SelStart = Len(.Text)
        .SelLength = 0
        .SelColor = style
        .SelText = mytext
    End With
End Sub


hrm, let me break that down in to n00blish for ya

Public Sub AddText(style As ColorConstants, ByVal mytext As String, ByVal UseTimeStamp As Boolean)
    With frmMain.txtChat 'NB: this is an rtb, NOT a regular text box!!
        If (UseTimeStamp = True) Then
            .SelStart = Len(.Text)
            .SelLength = 0
            .SelColor = vbWhite
            .SelText = "[" & Date & " " & Time & "] "
        End If
        .SelStart = Len(.Text)
        .SelLength = 0
        .SelColor = style
        .SelText = mytext
    End With
End Sub

[edit]hrm, i didnt realise that was going to look exactly like what spht posted...

Mesiah / haiseM

it doesnt because groks sub allows an unlimited amount of input types, longs, strings, integers, dont matter, in your case, you have to use one color, each time.

Although in vb, groks sub would actually be slower, because you dont declare the type the data is, so vb has to figure it out on its own, which can kill a couple milliseconds, so remember, if you add anything to your RTB when you send 0x25, be sure to add it AFTER you send the data back to bnet, cause it slows u down drasticly (As shown in my xbot compared to my buddhabot, xbot uses the 2 color, 2 text adding routine, compared to buddha which uses a modified version of groks sub, xbot gets half second logins, compared to buddha which can lag a tiny bit before login, and xbot adds like 8 things to the rtb also).

But anyways, yeah groks is bigger and better :-p
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