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Oddest Collections?

Started by Grok, February 25, 2004, 06:30 PM

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Quote from: warz on February 27, 2004, 10:30 AM
I collect womens panties that they leave on my bedroom floor.

Must not be a very big collection.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I don't really collect things, they tend to just gather themselves. This includes computer parts, electronics parts and other stuff that "might be useful some day...".


I collect scartched demo cds of magazines. Every month i test which ones work.  :-\


hmm, I suppose you could say that I collect NICs.  I have *counts mentally* 7, counting my onboard laptop and USB ones.  I keep getting them for free with highspeed internet/from people who no longer have highspeed/etc.  I've never paid for one.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Spht on February 25, 2004, 06:35 PM
I'll take a picture sometime.

I put the white cherry pack on top of the gray stack so you can get a perspective for how thick each pack is (about a millimeter).



This isn't the whole collection, these are just the ones close enough to my webcam to snap a picture.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Is that a cherry pig on top of the pig stack, for perspective?  :p


Spht you are an odd... odd... individual.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Yeah, spht, that's a weird, sort of like obsessive compulsive collection.  How'd you think to start that trashy collection?


... The collection has been on-going for about 8 years. Everyone I know chews Excel, it's very popular around here, so anytime someone's over they usually drop off packs that they've generously saved up for me.

Nice to know you all fear my collection though. What do I win, Grok? =)

Edit - You've inspired me to submit my collection to guinnessworldrecords.com, considering it's so amazingly unique.


Hostile says:
I dont see anything special about it, but you do and thats all that counts! :p
Spht says:
just think of all the gum that was once in those!
Hostile says:
ok now -thats- weird.
Newby: Good one, hehe.
Hazard: You need to grow up one these weeks. I think we should be more concerned about you for being "grown up" and still acting stupid like that. I think more of Spht's collection then just anouther guy who collects the bottles of liquor he drank. Its nothing special, its barely worth noting. You can goto about 1/4 of the guys in North Americas houses for guys 21-25 and find the same damn thing.
Warz: Well... lol... You just have to ask yourself. Was it right to hide their panties before they left? Perhaps I need some help? Maybe I shouldn't do things just because they make me feel more sexy?
It might start out as just a good idea, but eventually you'll have to ask yourself those things, and why you enjoy doing it so much. You know we will support and welcome you in the forum no matter what, and you're not alone, despite the fact of being alone.

I have a coin collection and when I was younger I kept my Nintendo Power magazines fairly organized, but don't take either too seriously.

Nintendo Power - 1988:

Coin Collection:
will put here tomorrow :P

Hostile's Logic #327: When someone points out that you're weird, just show them how Yoni is even more weird.
- Hostile is sexy.


when i was a kid i collected the weapons from gijoes. the gijoes went in the trash the weapons stayed
i collect cigar rings now
To lazy for slackware.


Stop putting words in my mouth Hostile.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


It started as a rubber duckies collection, but evolved to anything-duck collection ::). Everyone's name is Bruce, or relating to the name Bruce in some way or another (usually by referencing to Monty Python, sometimes it's people who really exist). If you're baffled at a certain name, ask:

btw, this is LQ and resized (blame Yoni :)). If anyone's interested in the full size picture (230KB), ask.


Add a link to the full sized one, if you want.  Why are there 3 ducks that aren't called "bruce"?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
