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Started by Amnor, February 17, 2004, 01:47 AM

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    i have no real background to speak of.  i got warcraft III and started playing around on battle.net.  i have always enjoyed messing around on computers, but have no real understanding of how things work.
   i live in SLC, UT.
   i speak english, but i don't know how to progam in any language.
   some of my hobbies are: sleeping, alpine skiing, sleeping, waterskiing, sleeping, rockclimbing, sleeping, and...umm...(did i mention sleeping?) yeah, that is about it.  
   i am interested in learning about b.net bots, and i am wondering where the proper place to start is.  should i take a programming course?  can i find basic information online somewhere?  and if so, how can i find it?  any suggestions, or comments(like how you got started)?  
   i guess that is about it for now.  i am enthusiastic about joining this forum and i hope that i won't be too much of a bother for y'all.


Welcome to the forums!

Before you get started with b.net bots, you should definitely have atleast an intermediate-advanced level of understanding of programming. Most start with VB and move on to C++, but it's not a bad idea to begin with C++ immediately. Taking courses in programmnig would definitely be best, but if you don't have time for them (or your current institution of education doesn't offer them, or the ones you want), it's a good idea to just go to your local bookstore or an online bookstore and purchase a beginner's C++ book. The ones from SAMS publishing (the 24-hour books) and the "For Dummies" books on programming would be the once I believe I'd recommend, but there really is a plethora to choose from, and most are pretty good. Books do a great job in teaching you coding at your own pace, so you can slowly but surely begin picking it up. A great online resource is www.cprogramming.com. I still often find myself referring to it when I don't have a book handy. Once you've made your way through a beginner's book and have a decent understanding of topics like functions, pointers, arrays, linked lists etc., you'll be ready to get started with learning how bots work and perhaps putting together your own simple bot. Goodluck on your journey!