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VB Chat Code

Started by Grok, March 10, 2003, 06:48 AM

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Someone deleted a post before I could reply .. the request was for VB chat code to get started.

This is pretty old, but has a couple very good functions in it.


DispatchMessage demonstrates an elegant way to parse battle.net messages and raise VB events to a subscriber.


Yes it's old code that was in the middle of a change when I stopped development.

Fix it.


neat... i have a binary bot coded in the exact same way, using classes and i have a function to dispatch packets accordingly

but thats because your original chatbot post inspired me to use classes 'n stuff  :P


QuoteWoopdy fucking doo.
why do people bother posting crap like this? furthermore, why aren't they banned and, preferably, shot for it?


Warz has been totaly out of hand lately. I can think of 10 posts right off my head where he either:
-Talked when he didn't need to; knew nothing about the discussion


Thanks Grok. I think it was orignally my thread that got deleted.


Only 10?  I guess we're doing a good job then.  warz posts 10 times a day with some kind of flame.  We have enough administrators that delete his stuff that you don't see most of it.

I delete pretty much everything he posts, unless it looks slightly interesting.  He does have plenty to offer, but for some reason he'd rather flame.

Banning is pointless by the way.  He's not a moron.


Just try ignoring them then...he clearly likes the attention <shrugs>
^-----silly Brit


My bad, I don't know what I was thinking.