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Started by Denial, January 29, 2004, 11:50 PM

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Hes back and hes selling the lawsuit papers on ebay GO HIM! STICK IT TO MICROSOFT

Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


QuoteCurrent bid:  US $22,700.00  



Jeez when it first started for $500 I thought he was an insane idiot... WHAT THE HELL.

Current bid:  US $23,692.30  
Time left:  6 days 19 hours

The bids usually double within the last 12 hours... This is insane.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo



Yeah I visited his forums once, apparently he might be donating it to a charity (the school he's supporting?). If he isn't it's just some way of using the publicity around him to gain money, which although would be smart, is wrong in some ways.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Make money off microsoft while you can they try everyway to make money off you soon you will have to pay for errors they created to get fixed ..... Patch 1.2 26 dollars buy with paypal now? watch them do something like that
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Quote from: Denial on January 31, 2004, 03:09 AM
Make money off microsoft while you can they try everyway to make money off you soon you will have to pay for errors they created to get fixed ..... Patch 1.2 26 dollars buy with paypal now? watch them do something like that
As long as people are paying for their software, they'll let the updates be free. As soon as they start charging for updates you'll have programmers with a concience patching it themselves for free (or being paid by some company, who knows). That would also result in a huge loss of revenue, would you rather use XP for $200 intial and $25/month or linux for free?
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Yeah, now since Linux is starting to get major financial/legal support from big companies, and companies in general. (IBM, Novell, Astalavista just to name a few.) Microsoft wouldn't dare do that since more people would switch to Linux at a faster rate than they would if updates were free.


Current bid:  US $101,300.00  
Time left:  5 days 8 hours

History: 160 bids   (US $500.00 starting bid)  

High bidder:  thenational1( 8 )  
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Current bid:  US $117,100.00

geez. I wish I had that kind of money.


I'm probably not the only one who atleast has a hunch that the high bidder doesn't have much intention to pay.


Well, a software company who can grab a domain with a well-known name like that could probably make back that much money, simply from people who read the cnn story and go there to see what they have.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Raven on February 01, 2004, 08:29 PM
I'm probably not the only one who atleast has a hunch that the high bidder doesn't have much intention to pay.

I've been thinking the same thing.


Microsoft trying to keep their stupidity secret? :P


Quote from: Raven on February 01, 2004, 08:29 PM
I'm probably not the only one who atleast has a hunch that the high bidder doesn't have much intention to pay.

I think that, but then again I think that about almost all ebay transactions over 100 dollars :p
- Hostile is sexy.