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Valhalla legends staff- Make this site

Started by Networks, January 27, 2004, 12:15 PM

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With all this information in these botdev forums I propose an idea to make a site a little orgranized based on anything anyone needed help on. Like wildcards, ladder packets and whatnot to help people. It kinda sucks to look through these forums with like 50+ pages of topics to look for what you need as well as asking questions to questions that probably have already been answered numerous times like Wildcarding function for example. I think it would be a great addition to the b.net community if someone could put together a site with functions and code or whatever. This could be alot more organized and could stop numerous posts over the same thing. And there is an awsome resource right here in valhalla legends forums. I understand that there is already a site that displays packets and things but I am talking a site with code and functions that many people need help with or actually need. What do u think?

I am not saying that valhalla legends staff should make this site I anyone applicable should do it.


With a bit of help I will do it. Anyone up to help?


Quote from: Networks on January 27, 2004, 12:15 PM
This could be alot more organized and could stop numerous posts over the same thing.

A couple of points of disagreement:
First, there is a general concensus against just "giving" code up for free, on the grounds that those who would take it don't understand it and only have the immediate problem solved -- they don't learn much/anything that would let them solve related problems in the future.
Second, despite bnetdocs, there's lots of posts about packets and formats (though not as bad as it once was).  I think it more likely that such a site would just provide someplace for the regulars to link to, rather than actually stemming the flow of questions.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


well, any info that should be on the site should be mostly from these forums so code put there wouldn't be a problem since it was posted publically here am I correct? Most of the code here isn't actual code you have  to be able to mod it into your program to function correctly anyway.
And as far at the flow of questions if there was forum like there is one here and a big enough community it would and should keep it running well as well as adding new info daily if not weekly.

It's a real pain to look through all the topics and I am sure some of you guys are sick of answering the same posts. I know I have seen stealth relink post numerous times.


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


To some extent  and I'm not talking about just packets...Maybe http://botdev.valhallalegends.com could just have more content like I was saying


As far as the packet documentation goes, we already have BnetDocs to provide us with detailed information about all of the standard packets, if you feel that you can provide better information or even provide packets that have not yet been documented publically, then I think that's a good idea.

Now, about the functions... Most of the more common functions people seem to like to put into bots can usally be found by clicking the 'Search' button on the top of this page, but there are infinite number of things one can put into a bot, are you planning on trying to add every single one of these functions on your website?  If so, it would be somewhat of a waste of time. We already have numerous amounts of resources that provide us with nearly every piece of information possible, a more popular one being http://www.pscode.com.  By going there, selecting a language, and searching for a function, you will instantly get many source codes and usally some documentation about what you are in search of.  Unless you feel that you can do a better job than them, it just seems kind of like a waste of time.


Providing organized and easy to access information is a waste of time? Maybe for you but not for some of us who struggle with functions and need the help. Lord your in a whole different standard but this would be very useful to those who struggle.


QuoteProviding organized and easy to access information is a waste of time?
I didn't say that, you obviously didn't read what I wrote. I simply said that it's already been done.  We already have a wide range of resources avaliable to us, all a few mouse clicks away.

Don't build a coffee shop next to a Starbucks.


I dont think it doesnt belong here but it might.
On the main site valhallalegends.com/pub is telling me
"You are not authorized to view this page." :'(


Quote from: MoNeY on January 27, 2004, 02:33 PM
I dont think it doesnt belong here but it might.
On the main site valhallalegends.com/pub is telling me
"You are not authorized to view this page." :'(

Can you be a bit more specific?  Did you use www.valhallalegends.com or valhallalegends.com?  To get correct results, you must use the former.  Also, most (perhaps all) of our directories are configured to prohibit the server autogenerating a list if the directory does not have a user created index page.  You must know the exact name of the file you want (which should be on whatever page links you to the file).  It is correct that you receive the following when accessing www.valhallalegends.com/pub/ :
Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Is this a new low?

Unless I misunderstand, you're acknowledging that almost everything you need is available and even written for you, but now it's too hard to search for?

Maybe we should just have a 'bot programmers for hire' section too, so he'll actually write the bot how you want it?


Quote from: Grok on January 27, 2004, 03:21 PM
Maybe we should just have a 'bot programmers for hire' section too

No, that would be bad.  Most of these people don't want to hire somebody to do it. ;)  Hiring implies payment.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Perhaps it would be better for everyone if we had three vL members each month be bot-writing slaves, and could write custom bots for every 'programmer' out there who wants one.  What a great idea.  Can I take first watch?


You guys take it to a whole new level :o I think it would do alot of good to have a site explaining Like operators, reading from text files, and blah blah blah. The basic shit that people ask for like 38905743958 times a day. It wouldn't hurt to try and eliminate annoying people. I'll give it a shot and see what happens. Ill link It up here in a week or so. Then we can really see if it any  use or not.
QuoteMaybe we should just have a 'bot programmers for hire' section too
alot of people arent trying to get the answers. If they were they could use a bot that has been made. Or try  and hex it like the newbs they are.