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Logitech diNovo

Started by Yoni, December 29, 2003, 05:36 PM

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I was looking for information on the best mouse in the world (Logitech MX-900, which is the Bluetooth edition of Logitech MX-700, which is the wireless edition of Logitech MX-500, which is a totally kickass mouse) when I stumbled upon diNovo.



This is the BEST THING EVER!

If you'd like to buy me one, please contact me immediately.


 :o That whole thing is sexy


I have the MX-700 and the equivilant keyboard!  It's sweet :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yeah, I looked into this keyboard a while ago. Its very very nice, but its also bluetooth and would be a bit slugish for games. Its also alot cheaper then the site advertises it for. Check out that Logitech QuickCam Orbit too, I its really neat. Its not the first webcam that follows you around the room but it can follow you much better since it can go up and down as well, something like 180 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically. Logitech is doing good.

I just got a new keyboard, I thought about a logitech one but I soo much wanted a backlit keyboard even before they came out *aside from macintosh laptops* and the first one out really sucked thats to it being PS2, and not fullsized keys for all (arrow keys and such) (Talking about the EluminX keyboard). So when the Zippy EL-715 came out I had to get it.
- Hostile is sexy.


I'm not convinced that just because it's wireless it's noticibly slower than wired.


Maybe thats why i keep dieing in counterstrike !! i have a wireless keyboard and mouse
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Quote from: Denial on December 31, 2003, 06:52 AM
Maybe thats why i keep dieing in counterstrike !! i have a wireless keyboard and mouse
Maybe you just suck? Well it could be either, or many other possibilities... a slow connection, congested path to the server, server lag, bad computer, it's hard to tell.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


From my experience, my wireless keyboard/mouse has never been slow (unless of course the hub thingy is on the ground with my feet covering it)

edit: grammar

Banana fanna fo fanna

Logitech diNovo sounds like the name of a swimsuit model...

or am I just insane?


I don't like wireless. My friend had an MX700 and when I used it there would always be a nasty delay when I moved my mouse. Fine for word processing or whatever but just impossible in games.
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


Quote from: Naem on January 02, 2004, 11:02 AM
I don't like wireless. My friend had an MX700 and when I used it there would always be a nasty delay when I moved my mouse. Fine for word processing or whatever but just impossible in games.

Really? I haven't seen any delay at all playing Starcraft, Diablo II, Ghost Recon, Unreal Tournament or anything else I've done/played.


His must have been broken, mine is ok too :/
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Mine works fine.  Contrary to what Hostile claims, I can't tell the difference between it and a wired mouse, even for playing games.



For the last damn time skywing, I told you the MX700 has pushed, since it has the MX sensor it has a very high responce rate as it is. For their wireless receive they pushed the number of data transfers to close to the max of USB and there is not a problem! However thanks to security code transfers so it doesn't get interupted by other radio signals, it has more an extra step in there and there for needs to be processed, in which case would prove me right when I said Wireless is slow-ER-. So ner.  :P However alot of other mice have worse responce rates, you can only notice this on very high mouse sensitivity which is rarely found in Ghost Recon and such (and eh never found in starcraft bud, but thanks for your starcraft and slow as hell diablo 2 benchmarks there, Hitman :P).

PS: If for no other reason you should hate wireless because you have to fucking recharge that crap, or in like microsofts case you have to replace batteries then lol. Stupid nusense, have to remember technology is advanced machinery, and machines are here to make things easier. So now you're sacrificing a cord but have anouther thing to remember just to maintain the things which should be making your life easier. :P It's just a matter of prefernce, and wireless doesn't win in my book.
- Hostile is sexy.