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Grabbing Game List

Started by botmaster, December 20, 2003, 01:21 PM

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i dont...but it does not join the game...but when i whois it says it's in game


send this first

p.InsertBYTE &H2
p.InsertNTString Chr(0)
p.InsertBYTE &H0
p.InsertWORD &H0
p.InsertBYTE &H1
p.InsertBYTE &HFF
p.InsertBYTE &H8
p.InsertNTString gamename
p.InsertNTString ""
p.InsertBYTE &H0
p.SendRealmPacket frmMain.WSmcp, &H3

on 0x03 recv

       a.InsertBYTE &H2
a.InsertBYTE &H0
a.InsertNTString frmMain.Text4
a.InsertNTString ""
a.SendRealmPacket frmMain.WSmcp, &H4

on 0x04 recv

ip = Asc(Mid(strTemp, 10, 1)) & "." & _
       Asc(Mid(strTemp, 11, 1)) & "." & Asc(Mid(strTemp, 12, 1)) & "." & _
           Asc(Mid(strTemp, 13, 1))

       frmMain.wsgame.RemoteHost = ip
       frmMain.wsgame.RemotePort = 4000
          Dim p As New PacketBuffer
          p.InsertNonNTString "PX2D"
       p.InsertDWORD &HA
       p.InsertNTString frmMain.Text4
       p.InsertNTString ""
       p.SendPacket frmMain.WSbnet, &H22

is there anything wrong with the way im sending it?

Soul Taker

Well the /whois and friends list locations are not really indicative of anything, since you send a packet to the chat server with a game name in it and that tells Bnet to change your location in /whois and such.  You don't even have to send that, or leave chat, to be in a game.


Quote from: botmaster on December 27, 2003, 04:31 PM
i dont...but it does not join the game...but when i whois it says it's in game

So if /whois says JoeBob is using Diablo II: Lord of Destruction in a private game, then you might be in the game, but don't appear there to other users because you havn't sent anything to the D2GS


Quote from: botmaster on December 27, 2003, 05:13 PM
is there anything wrong with the way im sending it?

As i said before, you'll know if it's wrong if you're IPbanned/disconnected after sending


figured out the problem

p.InsertBYTE &H2
p.InsertNTString Chr(0)
p.InsertBYTE &H0
p.InsertWORD &H0
p.InsertBYTE &H1
p.InsertBYTE &HFF
p.InsertBYTE &H8
p.InsertNTString gamename
p.InsertNTString vbNullString
p.InsertBYTE &H0
p.SendRealmPacket frmMain.WSmcp, &H3

gives me

17 00 03 02 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF 08 77 65 77 65 31 32 33 34 00 00 00

What should i do to change the output of the packet to

17 00 03 02 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF 08 77 65 31 32 33 34 00 00 00


what's a good sniffer ethereal is not cutting it


if anyone has any info on ingame packets thats what i am missing it wont join because i have not setup sending the reset of the packets to the gameserver i have compression and decompression from d2dark d2gs.dll if anyone can help let me know.



yeah packet sniffer for 1.10 has compression and decompression


Quote from: botmaster on December 28, 2003, 03:47 AM
what's a good sniffer ethereal is not cutting it

WSPE, that is if your not on 2k or xp.
WSPE Pro, sucks the big one.
