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What is Your First Name?

Started by Denial, December 15, 2003, 12:25 AM

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Names are useless. I'm inmate #9107673 at the local highschool.


Quote from: Fr0z3N on December 15, 2003, 08:38 PM
My name is Jared, guess what other ppl call me lol.

I'll go on limb and say Red, my parents didn't name me that for the sheer reason people would call me Red. They're also somewhat dumb so they named me Jarod and my dads just about the only one to call me Rod occationally (can ya guess why :-[ ) hehe *cough* hes a drunk.
- Hostile is sexy.


They call me Gerald, Geraldo, Geraldine.... Anything to annoy me.
No one has ever called me Red =\


ah, was a good guess but lol... I've actually had people call me geraldo (was a very very drunken night and a couple just remembered it after that)
- Hostile is sexy.


I'm Brian, nice to meet you all.
Look it's a signature.


 ;) Hello all, Real name is Nick, People like to call me Nicky. Oh and Hostile, I feel you, My dad's a drunk also He calls me bastard when hes drunk..Every day


My name is Lee. w00t my middle name is Earnest! Cant beat that


Quote from: Havoc on December 18, 2003, 01:51 PM
My name is Lee. w00t my middle name is Earnest! Cant beat that

Too bad the names aren't reversed.  Then you'd always be "earnestly" in whatever you were doing. :P
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Antonio, most people call me Tony.


Quote from: NewB on December 18, 2003, 01:32 AM
;) Hello all, Real name is Nick, People like to call me Nicky. Oh and Hostile, I feel you, My dad's a drunk also He calls me bastard when hes drunk..Every day
My dad calls me asshead, shitface, dumbass, fucktard etc. on a daily basis and he doesn't drink at all. Of course he rarely says anything serious.


Quote from: Zerg on December 18, 2003, 03:02 PM
Antonio, most people call me Tony.

Your dad calls you a queer
Your mom calls you gay, are you sure about the most part?

[09:10:12]  <Joker[BH]@USEast> my dad just called me a queer.
[09:12:14]  <Joker[BH]@USEast> yea my mom called me gay once


My mother calls me gay a lot.
