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See you guys until Christmas!

Started by Mitosis, December 14, 2003, 08:08 AM

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Well guys this is my last day on here until Christmas! Selling this comp and getting my new one! Just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas! I wont be posting on here anymore probably around eight. So best wishes to all!


Damn thing wouldnt let me modify. Anyway since so many people thought I was gone :0 which I am not ;) You can still post on here. I am still here until eight tonight, sadly..


Quote from: Mitosis on December 14, 2003, 10:19 AM
Damn thing wouldnt let me modify. Anyway since so many people thought I was gone :0 which I am not ;) You can still post on here. I am still here until eight tonight, sadly..

Great.  What are you doing now?  What about in 15 minutes?  I'm typing on the forum.  Soon I'll be gaming.


Well Im going to go help my dad paint are rooms and lay down the new oak floors we just bought. It looks so nice. Well off to go work! Ill probably be back later when I take a break. Seeya Grok.


Turns out that I got this computer for another day and possible for the rest of the week. Still getting my new one on Christmas though.


Hi, my name is sarcasm, have we met before?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Many times, but he hasn't gotten the point.


Hi I'm multiple-post-for-no-reason, I'm Mitosis' best friend.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Mitosis, you either need to get an (FCC Approved) fucking hobby or learn that learning is fun! You're young, I was an annoying forum go'er too once *Still banned from infoceptor forums for fooling the entire forum that one of the moderators was harassing me when I found out how to change the "edited by" string hehe, was priceless laughter but thats not the point* but, you're simply not learning. Making mistakes is -ok- but not learning from them is not, especially considering the simplicity of the mistakes you have been making. It is quite simple...
Don't double post, do modify your previous one.
Don't start pointless conversations, do start debates/questions/discussions/documentaries.
Don't idolize DarkVirus, do idolize Mejal.

They're very simple and occationally you're allowed to break one but you're just causing problems that don't need to be here, and more or less with Grok after several warnings by him on his forums. You're basically asking us to put out more effort to keep you hear then you're worth and it is very easy to ban you. Don't take this wrong, we would rather have you learn hence all these warnings which if it were up to me, would not have even been bothered with and have just banned you but that tends to cause people as stupid and pathetic as Mephisto from just becomming stalkers which you undoubtably will end up doing if you're removed from here. Grok trusts me enough that I think its fair to represent him on this one so I will speak for him as well as me when saying this is your -final- warning.
- Hostile is sexy.


Mitosis are you ADHD? And if so you need to take your pills. Theres so much you can do. Go Play games go talk on the phone go find porn sites just do something this forum will be here it's not like of you don't check it every 15 minutes it will die on you.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea

Banana fanna fo fanna

When Bsd gets pissed off it does...