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in an RTS game, with packets flying all the time...

Started by thetempest, December 06, 2003, 07:43 PM

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On the topic of Starcraft games (nothing to do with minerals), I think it'd be great if someone posted some information and documention on some UDP packets.  I've started a gamebot, I do have a checksum function, but I'm not totally sure if it's correct.  The farthest I can get is almost into the game lobby. However, I do open UDP sockets for each user in the game, and ping them.

Maybe show some (if there's any) on BnetDocs, or post in botdev forum?


Banana fanna fo fanna

That's not what he wants.

There is about a million light-years between pinging and getting into the waiting room.


Quote from: thetempest on December 10, 2003, 02:03 PM
lol  :D,

everyone thinks i'm trying to write a mineral hack...haha...

i know a hell alot better than thatone.  here is what i want to do:

i want to find the routine that compiles the "stats" packet you guys are reffering too...and send it to all the other players in the game using the SC algo that does this 0x190869...i think...but here is my catch....

i have the sendto() function hooked, and it scans outgoing packets for this update packet ID, and if it's there...i dont send using the SC sendto() i call my own and spoof a different players IP, therefore all players in game would get my minerals/gas but associate it with another person, and if they dont have MY stats, they would be droped for hacking...

make better since now?

That wont work because the data isnt coming in on the socket associated with the player you want to spoof - its coming from yours...  All the data about playername, etc, is stored on thier computer and is refrenced when needed while the data from individual sockets is being processed


o, i didnt know that.  That explains why you can't change all of the occurences of your screen name on your computer to get the impersinator hack.  you have to spoof their playerID???  i dunno


Quote from: thetempest on December 13, 2003, 10:18 PM
o, i didnt know that.  That explains why you can't change all of the occurences of your screen name on your computer to get the impersinator hack.  you have to spoof their playerID???  i dunno

Which reminds me of some of the Blizz icon hacks from the Diablo 1 days. They worked. For you.