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Started by Thing, November 22, 2003, 05:39 PM

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I can if I read it from CNN! </laugh>


HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!  Someone threw a hand grenade @ Bush when he was in Georgia (the country).  It landed within 100ft of the stage...it never blew up but the safety pin WAS removed!  The Georgian officals took care of it all...they didn't even let the Secret Service know it happened until 2 hours later when Bush was out of the country
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...



Ahaha. It would have been funnier if it blew up in the crowd, though.


I just got this email in my Spam folder.

Biotechnology P. Unfairer    
<[email protected]> to me
    More options     6:51 pm (1½ hours ago)

Greeetinggs my dear olld friend

Jeenny was walking in thhe big park. A prettty girl in shadoows of grreat trrees. So amazing...

But beauty isn't always goood. Supremme boody could lead to bad thhoughhts of others.
A huge man appeared out of nhwroee behind her. Jneny's celhtos were forcefully taken off.
Then he brutally r@ped her. An enormous d'i'c'k entereed girl's body. She flet awful pain.

Jennny sccreameed but no onne heard her...
You shhould seee that on http://abasus.info

If yuh eye nah see, yuh mouth nah must talk.

I was almosst in all evil in thhe midsst of thhe conggregation and assembly.



trust is virused now?
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


I didn't click. Plus, I use FF.



Kenny Chesney married Rene Zelwegger!  Oh snap,??...wonder what the age difference is
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Quote from: CrAz3D on May 10, 2005, 07:34 PM

Kenny Chesney married Rene Zelwegger!  Oh snap,??...wonder what the age difference is

int K = (int)('K '& 'e' & 'n' & 'n' & 'y');
K += (int)('C' ^ 'h' ^ 'e' ^' s '^' n' ^ 'e' ^ 'y');
K %= modulus;
int R = (int)('R' & 'e' & 'n' & 'e');
R += (int)('Z' ^ 'e' ^ 'l' ^ 'w' ^ 'e' ^ 'g' ^ 'g' ^ 'e' ^ 'r')

return K - R;

Edit: W00t post 512 :)


Quote from: Hitmen on May 10, 2005, 06:58 PM
Ahaha. It would have been funnier if it blew up in the crowd, though.

Haha, you horrible person :-D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I posted on the 100th page.


Uhm, anyone know of a good FM transmitter that might also have a car CHARGER on it for an h340?;)
Or maybe just a good decently priced fm transmitter
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


I bought a $15 one from Best Buy 3 months ago that runs off 2 AAA batteries. I haven't needed to change them yet.

Apparently apple has one called iTravel.  It costs twice as much, and is that ugly whitey color.  Dunno how well it works.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


* QwertyMonster signs the 100th page topic.


I just bought a new keyboard ( Logitech Elite ).
Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 14, 2006, 04:57 PM
Well, I want some too. Greedy Yoni should stop hogging it.
