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Started by iago, October 18, 2003, 09:10 PM

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When do you think tomorrow starts (in your timezone)?

When my clock says so (12:00am/0:00h)
8 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
2 (8.3%)
3 (12.5%)
1 (4.2%)
After I sleep, whenever that is
8 (33.3%)
When I go to sleep, whenever that is
1 (4.2%)
When the sun rises, whenever that is
1 (4.2%)

Total Members Voted: 13


From working overnight shifts, I find that tomorrow starts at about 4am.  That's when I start saying "Good morning" to people who are starting, and that's also when I start saying "tonight" and "later today".

What do you think!!?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Next day starts when you go to sleep. Usually around that 4AM mark, for me :P


I think it's a stupid question.


i was told tomorrow never comes, for it is never ending.


Quote from: CupHead on October 18, 2003, 09:58 PM
I think it's a stupid question.

What's wrong with a stupid question? :-P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on October 18, 2003, 10:04 PM
Quote from: CupHead on October 18, 2003, 09:58 PM
I think it's a stupid question.

What's wrong with a stupid question? :-P
nothing wrong/stupid with the question its the pers....I might not want to finish this sentance.


I don't think it's a stupid question, actually, since it's actually come up a few times, especially when somebody says "tomorrow" or "tonight" during the night and you have to decide what they mean, just wondering what other people think of this :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Tomorrow is when I wake up.  Regardless of what time I go to sleep.
Even though some may argue that tomorrow never comes, I use it as a time reference that most people understand.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: iago on October 18, 2003, 09:10 PM
From working overnight shifts, I find that tomorrow starts at about 4am.  That's when I start saying "Good morning" to people who are starting, and that's also when I start saying "tonight" and "later today".

What do you think!!?
I say "good morning" as a greeting (always), and "good night" when I'm about to go to sleep (at any time). I used to say "good morning" upon going to sleep at a time that the rest of the society defines as morning (like 9 AM), but I realized this is a lie. Morning and night are extremely subjective for me.

The local time is currently 7:53 AM. Good night!


So if tomorrow is the next day you go to sleep... What if you don't go to sleep for two days and sleep on the third day.


If I'm not planning to stay up all night and not sleep, then tomorrow starts after I wake up. Each day is one of my waking periods and "tomorrow" means "the day following this one". If I decide to stay up all night, "tomorrow" starts when I make the decision if it's late, or around 4 am if the decision is early.

The morning starts somewhere between 3-5 am. When the newspaper arrives, it's morning, and most of them start delivering at 4 am, some at 2 am. Good morning is valid either as a greeting to someone who has recently gotten out of their sleeping period, or as a reference to the morning starting.

Good night is never used in reference to a nice night awake, only to indicate that I am going to sleep, or as a response to someone else going to sleep - or at least logging off for the night.

Good evening can be used from around 7 pm to around 10-11 pm - later than that is night, but there's no appropriate greeting for that.

Please help building this list of valid greetings for various times of day. For example, in Swedish there's a "förmiddag" - which is the opposite of "afternoon". I'm not aware of any "prenoon" in English?


Quote from: Adron on October 19, 2003, 05:35 AM
Please help building this list of valid greetings for various times of day. For example, in Swedish there's a "förmiddag" - which is the opposite of "afternoon". I'm not aware of any "prenoon" in English?

I think that would be morning.

To the people who said "when I wake up":
If it's 3am, let's say on monday night, and you tell someone that there's a good show on tv at "9am tomorrow morning".  Then you sleep till, say, 10 or 11am, so they should assume that the show is on tv on wednesday morning?  Clearly, that's not the case.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


That's an interesting issue... If you tell someone to see it tomorrow morning, then they'll be up to see it and it will indeed be tomorrow morning.

However, if I at 6 am before going to sleep tell someone that there's a show at 6.30 am tomorrow morning, I will most probably refer to it being in 25 hours, not in 1 hour. So it does get a little confusing.

Soul Taker

Ironically enough, I have always considered the next day to start at 5 am (the choice missing from the poll!), because lots of local channels start their show line-up for the next day at 5 am here.


The worst is when you drink every night, and begin to lose track of days. Everything just runs together in one long chain of events!