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Compiling in C++

Started by Kev1n, September 18, 2003, 06:15 PM

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I know alot of VB, and I wanted to move into C++.
I got alot of source codes, and I am not fimular with them as susposed to VB.
I got alot of Name.cpp, and NAME.h . I know those are the sources or forms right? How do I compile them all? I opened C++ and went to File -> Open, and opened like 10 .cpp and 10.h things. They all loadedin sucessfully. now I am wondering how do I compile this?

and is  "Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0" needed in the process of decompiling this?

And help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time.



Hi Kev1n,

Before you can run, you should learn to walk.  My suggestion is you find some C++ tutorials on the web, and study them to completion.  Most should have links to free compilers which the course will be using.  These scaled-down compilers will usually have full ANSI C++ support, or at least enough for your learning.

After getting proficient with the language and the process of compiling, linking, testing and debugging, you'll be ready to move up to a development environment with all the bells and whistles.


Thank you grok. =)

Anyways, I didn't state my question to clearly, I just wanted to add: I was trying to compiling all the .cpp/h things I had into 1 .exe, because isn't that what I have to do?

Also, you kinda said something like using a different program to compile C++ source codes in? The program itself wont do it like VB ? where you can make project1.exe

Thanks for replying, means alot.


Quote from: Kev1n on September 18, 2003, 06:36 PMwhere you can make project1.exe

Under the Build menu.  I'm not a real C++ expert, I'm just taking classes my self in school now...


Yes, and it keeps compiling just the one .cpp/h file which I opened into last. :[ And the 9 or w/e under it dont.

QuoteI'm not a real C++ expert, I'm just taking classes my self in school now...
Lucky, I wish I had something like that in my school. I am only 15 and in grade 10. We got a MAC lab that can barely run the internet. :[
I wish I could become a good program like Skywing and Grok, and the rest of the people here. It's been my dream, and hopefully i can do it sometime day ^_^
I am going to find some taturials and study them hard.
thanks for replying everyone. means alot.


Try doing New->Win32 Application, then add all your files to that, and it should then compile to an .exe, or whatever you set it to


QuoteTry doing New->Win32 Application, then add all your files to that, and it should then compile to an .exe, or whatever you set it to
thanks, that is what I was looking for. =)
works great.

Is any of the other options insted of
' New->Win32 Application 'Work for creating a .exe ?
which should I use?
Anyways, its for a counter-strike hack (i kno its bad to cheat, but its kinda educational purposes) called MetaCheat. To make it vac proof, I need to rename some of the strings like JoolzCheat in the menu to like Jo0Lch3at and it is now undetected. But now I gotta compile it, just wondering.... thx

got it from here:


Wow wow wow, you don't know the language and you're going to make something? :P

Assuming you're going to be developing for windows, I've heard this to be decent:


Which should I fully learn/master first?
VB   or

I just wanted to fix the source code and rename the line, compile and its done, then once its detected, change the line, and compile.

But ya, i'll be trying all the tutorials I can to fully learn the language(s).


Well, Choose a language, stick with it and try as hard as you can. On another note, don't get caught up with hacking or making binary bot's as most of the new people that come to this forum attempt to create programs which are clearly out of their league. My advice, advoid this forum.


Quote from: MrRaza on September 18, 2003, 09:53 PM
My advice, advoid this forum.

What's wrong with this forum? I'd suggest staying out of the botdev forum, but this general programming forum is intended to have posts about any programming topics that are not about bots, and too basic to fit into advanced programming...


Quote from: Kev1n on September 18, 2003, 06:49 PM
We got a MAC lab that can barely run the internet. :[
So that's why it seems so slow lately.  I thought it was just Verisign garbage. :)
Quote from: Kev1n on September 18, 2003, 06:49 PMI wish I could become a good program like Skywing and Grok
I should advise you that they are both extremely advanced AIs and attempting to become like them too quickly may result in complete brain failure. ;)

Edit: forum seems not to like mixing his smilies with formatting tags.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Quote from: MrRaza on September 18, 2003, 09:53 PM
Well, Choose a language, stick with it and try as hard as you can.
[not a flame post]I'd recommend written english. No offence but your english is hard to read and if your going to program, it's best to learn english (correct me if I'm wrong here).

Anyways, you sound like you're more advanced than me and I'm older than you, go for it.[/not a flame post]
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Unfortunately, I don't understand what you are saying j0ker.

Anyways, thanks to everyone, the advice given here was very useful. Thanks again.


I understand what MrRaza is saying, and basicly what he means is don't get caught up in hacking. Learn the language first, so you can understand it more clearly. What I did was try to jump from knowing nothing, to getting something made. Which obviously wasn't a good decision. But anyways, i'll learn / master the language best as I can. Then afterwards, hopefuly it will lead to something good. I guess I got plenty of time, sense I am younge I guess. Thanks all.