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Math help plz

Started by Raven, July 03, 2003, 08:16 PM

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Quote from: iago on July 06, 2003, 09:24 AM
I found calculus easy to do, although I've never fully understood it.  For simple math, Computer Science, and even Physics, I understand how it all works but in calculus I've memorized a pile of rules, but I don't really know why the rules work.
In the university that I take courses in, there are 2 separate courses: "Calculus (I, II)" and "Infinitesimal Mathematics (I, II, III)".

These courses completely overlap each other, but in "Calculus" you learn the concepts and theorems and need to use them to solve computational calculus problems, while in "Infinitesimal Mathematics" you learn everything in a much deeper level, and in the test need to prove theorems, not solve computational problems.

A computer science major must take Infi I, and then has a choice of whether to take Calc II or Infi II + Infi III (the latter is much harder, of course, but gives you more points).
A math major must take Infi I, II, III.

Quote from: j0k3r on July 06, 2003, 11:41 AM
That's why I'm trying to learn c++ at the momment, I'm hoping it contains more complex math that will open up my mind for up coming math courses.
The math you will encounter while programming is almost always completely different from the math you will encounter while studying math. I doubt C++ will give you mathematical insight for the math courses... But it can, as Grok said, teach you more problem solving techniques which you might be able to indirectly apply to math as well.