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SCGP Client (VB6 Open Source)

Started by Ringo, November 03, 2008, 08:20 AM

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Quote from: Andy on January 31, 2009, 02:39 AM
And here I was thinking the world sucks because the people who do use their brains take all the resources they can from those who don't, or are under some misguided pretense that they can improve the human race by removing it from nature. Thinking does much worse than not thinking ever will.

You may not realize it, but you inadvertently put yourself into a false dilemma if you really believe that.
I'm awake in the infinite cold.

[13:41:45]<@Fapiko> Why is TehUser asking for wang pictures?
[13:42:03]<@TehUser> I wasn't asking for wang pictures, I was looking at them.
[13:47:40]<@TehUser> Mine's fairly short.


EVERYONE of you fucks don't want warden code released because you're concerned that it will let spammers spam again??

Make warden info public or I will.  My warden code supports up to 30,000 connections.   :D
I will continue to provide cdkeys + proxies with my genocide spambot.  As long as u motherfuckers keep on doing this shit. 

What's this??

Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on January 22, 2009, 05:11 PM
You could use a system-wide mutex to prevent an object from being instantiated more than once.

Whoa, you're spending more time making sure nobody can "abuse" warden than the fucking warden itself!  Get a fucking life you retarded assnugget.  I know why, your one scared little fuck who can't stand spambots.
Let me tell you all something, Ringo ran thousands of sc winbots and now he runs many d2 bots.  But you would definitely share info with him!  You decide that ruining d2 game is better than ruining d2 chat??  I bet most of you only go on bnet to chat like I do.  100k users on bnet, only 2% in channels.  1% of those are idle bots.

Make warden public you selfish fucks!  I'm offering cdkeys for additional info on 0x03/0x04 modules.


Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PM
100k users on bnet, only 2% in channels.  1% of those are idle bots.

98.4837% of people make up statistics right on the spot.
Blizzard Tech Support/Op W@R - FallenArms
The Chat Gem Lives!


Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMMake warden info public or I will.
Its already public you shittard. 
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMMy warden code supports up to 30,000 connections.   :D
Mine supports 2^(2^size of HD in free bytes)
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMI will continue to provide cdkeys + proxies with my genocide spambot.  As long as u motherfuckers keep on doing this shit. 
Nobody gives a shit. I ive already made an addon for all products that filter spammers like you out. It affect me none.
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMWhat's this??
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on January 22, 2009, 05:11 PMYou could use a system-wide mutex to prevent an object from being instantiated more than once.
Whoa, you're spending more time making sure nobody can "abuse" warden than the fucking warden itself!
Not really, if you understood anything about warden you'd understand that that simple mutex is nothing in relation to the protection systems warden has on itself.
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMGet a fucking life you retarded assnugget.
Take a bit of your own advice please.
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMI know why, your one scared little fuck who can't stand spambots.
Let me tell you all something, Ringo ran thousands of sc winbots and now he runs many d2 bots.  But you would definitely share info with him!
I admit running winbots is a douche of a thing to do but it has vary little impact on anyone elses gaming/chatting experience. Spamming on the other hand is done soly to be a fucking jackass to others.
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PM100k users on bnet, only 2% in channels.  1% of those are idle bots.
I think your numbers are off.
Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PMMake warden public you selfish fucks!  I'm offering cdkeys for additional info on 0x03/0x04 modules.
Nobody give a flying fuck about cdkeys except for retards like you who need thousands for spamming. I have 2 sets of each product that I use for gaming/chatting. I've had the SAME keys for YEARS. Not a single thing wrong with them. Also, didn't you threaten above to make info about warden public? and down here you're begging for info on parts of it? See, inconsistencies, this is why people hate you.

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Nesucks: What's an 0x03/0x04 module....? And if warden were still private, you as a plebe certainly wouldn't have a working dll for it. Assnugget.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


funny part is, he's still here bitching about "make warden public" but he says he already has warden patched? =\



Excuse my grammar I am on my itouch.

This is one of those arguments that could go on forever. Only argument I see here that can be settled is that nes is still stuck in the stone age. And the fact he can't figure anything out on his own.

But besides that... Trying to argue that andy wrongfully released a library is pointless... Even though he could have just released it without much of an announcement.. For example.. Releasing it with your but rather then posting it here on vl.
As long as a select few only have the knowledge (thanks ringo!) of obtaining the offsets then we should consider this argument dead. And I think we don't have to worry about nes.. 2+2 still equals 5 to him.


This thread is becoming epic.

Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PM
Ringo ran thousands of sc winbots and now he runs many d2 bots.  But you would definitely share info with him!  You decide that ruining d2 game is better than ruining d2 chat??
Yep, I'm guilty of that, but that was like back in 2001/2002 and for a short space of time.
And yeah, i've made some d2 bots, but I also keep them 100% private, and used to run only 1 bot for the public to exp with, and get free items, since I was not willing to release the bot(s).
All of the above were little more than 5 min interests and hardly compare to you spending the past 4 - 5 years ripping a load bot, and flooding battle.net almost every day, lol.
In fact, I even have logs of you spamming last christmas day.

I've also got a PM today, telling me that nes has/is paying somone from this forum, to add warden to his bots. Idk how true that is, but it doesnt sound at all suppriseing.

Quote from: NeSuckS2 on January 31, 2009, 03:34 PM
I Need a fucking life, I'm a retarded assnugget.

@punk, it wasnt really a case of argueing with him about releaseing a dll, it was an attempt to educate him -- but as he's already stated, he doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything.


Warden is implemented in java library, maybe in another with open sources.

Is it so hard to rewrite it? Is there no warden library dll?

Btw, l33tarium sux.


I guess ringo.. anyways I find it hilarious that nesucks came on here begging for the new offsets and then clearly threatened that he would release the code publicly.


well i just noticed nes's flood obviously he has it connected to starcraft bu they all drop.. over and over again, so he dunt have it


Doesn't really matter right now anyway, since my computer is inoperable, and it's quite possible that my entire hard drive, processor, motherboard, and RAM were all fried when my PSU blew. If that's the case, RCB, my warden dll, and pretty much everything I've collected and done over the last decade have been nullified. Funny how not grounding a generator can do that...


Quote from: Andy on February 01, 2009, 07:36 PM
Doesn't really matter right now anyway, since my computer is inoperable, and it's quite possible that my entire hard drive, processor, motherboard, and RAM were all fried when my PSU blew. If that's the case, RCB, my warden dll, and pretty much everything I've collected and done over the last decade have been nullified. Funny how not grounding a generator can do that...
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Quote from: Andy on February 01, 2009, 07:36 PM
Doesn't really matter right now anyway, since my computer is inoperable, and it's quite possible that my entire hard drive, processor, motherboard, and RAM were all fried when my PSU blew. If that's the case, RCB, my warden dll, and pretty much everything I've collected and done over the last decade have been nullified. Funny how not grounding a generator can do that...

Of all people, I'd expect you to have some form of an elaborate backup system prepared at all times.


Quote from: Andy on February 01, 2009, 07:36 PM
Doesn't really matter right now anyway, since my computer is inoperable, and it's quite possible that my entire hard drive, processor, motherboard, and RAM were all fried when my PSU blew. If that's the case, RCB, my warden dll, and pretty much everything I've collected and done over the last decade have been nullified. Funny how not grounding a generator can do that...
Backup on some place on the Internet? Backup hard drive? Backup flash drive? Backup CD? Backup........ printed copy of code (it can't be fried by a PSU!)...? :P
