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How should expired BNETDocs.org accounts be handled?

Started by Don Cullen, September 30, 2008, 04:50 PM

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Don Cullen

How should expired BNETDocs.org accounts be handled?

This is how it currently is:

When someone registers, but never logs in thereafter for two weeks, it results in the account being deleted, but retained in backup database and the account name being locked permanently (preventing other people from registering using that name) for until the person who previously registered it re-registers it using the same email address they had used previously.

That's it.

So I'm considering modifying it to:

If someone registers, but fails to validate their email and doesn't login thereafter for two weeks, the account is completely deleted and the name made available for use by others.

If someone registers, and validates their email, but doesn't login thereafter for a period of two weeks, the account would be deleted, retained in backup database for recreation if the user re-registers using same registration info as before, but if someone else registers using that name with different registration info, the account in backup would be deleted permanently and the account name be given to that user.

If someone registers, validates, and does login at least once a year, but hasn't commented or contributed at all, and stops using the account for more than a year, an email will be sent asking the person to click on a link to keep the account (if they don't want to keep, just ignore the email). Two weeks after the email is sent, if no click, the account would be deleted and shifted to backup, and the name be made available for either recreation by same user or for use by somebody else.

If someone registers, validates, and comments/contributes at least once, the account would just be left alone permanently for archival purposes even if user never uses the account ever again.

What do you guys think?

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Hmph.. Locking the account would be a bad idea imo, I could easily create a bunch of accounts and get them locked so the real person can't use them.

Don't try to tell me someone won't do that either, =/.
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