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Chat/Moderation Bot Interface Discussion

Started by Hazard, June 30, 2003, 09:46 AM

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So don't make 'version' a public command!

[edit] And another thing, that's why I have queue priority: it parses all command right away, but it picks buffered text to send based first on the rank of the user who issued the command and then on the order. That way users with higher ranks get precedence over joe newbie spamming '!version.' ;)


Quote from: HaZarD on June 30, 2003, 09:46 AM
Ok if I were to build an ops bot, would it be smart to include any kind of interface? Or would it be best to leave it plain and simple. The reason I'm asking is I'm not really sure if the interface can interfere with the bots operation in any way (i.e. speed or stability.) Any input will be appreciated. Programmers with experience in this field is who I am looking to hear from so if you aren't one please don't interfere in the thread.


seeing as what i said before and what camel said if u really feel the need make the bot as complex as u want just make it /o igpriv and add ur name and users with access to f l thatway it ignores all but ur shit i guess sorta answeres the question.


RhiNo, I was joking when I said use /o igpriv. I highly doubt any serious programmer would even consider that as a plausable solution.


Well no need to joke  =\ ne ways the more simple the faster it will run so make it as simple as u can and it odda be stable and fast :-P


".Version" is an ego trip.

SoHKz x Ed

".Version" is an ego trip. " - Grok
How so? Its just to let the users know which version of a particular bot they have. perhaps it is to show that you have version 1.0 but there is 2.0 available (shown if another user is loading 2.0?)

Camel - Why would you not concider it? It is a bit simple , true , but it is efficient and it gets the job done , properly.  Also , you spend less time on programming if you do that.

Also , it would be one less section of code that could possibly mess up and drop the bot?

Now: lets all try and THINK before we speak?


Quote from: SoHKz x Ed on July 10, 2003, 11:13 AM
Skywing: however true , use the example that someone else used a while back.  "what if mass(1)bot to mass(30)bot join the channel and repeatedly say .version?"  (assuming it is a public command).
It may not drop it , but having the bot lagged is still an annoyance.

uhh lets assume this situation, 30 bots join the channel and send (extreme impossible case) 1msg per second, at full length, 220 characters. so thats 30 * 220 = 6600 bps, so thats ~7k per sec. are u telling me that ur internet connection is going to be lagged by 7k per sec? no it wont.  Even if the bot has a greeting, if it was well prioritized it would suffer no lag from 30 mass bots.

SoHKz x Ed

Now co0l , read carefully before you reply.

I never said that your internet connection would be lagged.
I said that your BOT would be.


Quote from: SoHKz x Ed on July 10, 2003, 09:51 PM
".Version" is an ego trip. " - Grok
How so? Its just to let the users know which version of a particular bot they have. perhaps it is to show that you have version 1.0 but there is 2.0 available (shown if another user is loading 2.0?)

Now: lets all try and THINK before we speak?

There are plenty of ways you can tell a user the version of bot he's using without him having to log on bnet and type ".version", and announce it to everyone else.  Splash screens, Help|About.. dialog, "/version" if you insist on only telling them from command-line, or simply displaying the version on the window caption, status bar, or some static on the dialogs.

.version is more like "see what I have", thus my statement that it is an ego trip.

But I guess you didn't THINK about it like that.


Quote from: SoHKz x Ed on July 11, 2003, 08:42 AM
Now co0l , read carefully before you reply.

I never said that your internet connection would be lagged.
I said that your BOT would be.
that doesnt even make since, a bot doesnt "lag" lag is high latency, a network issue.  it is possible that mabe ur send queue can be loaded, and it could appear to be lag, but as i said if you well prioritize it there should be no problem there.  Mabe i dont understand something, so please define this lag that you might suffer.


Quote from: Grok on July 11, 2003, 09:51 AM
Quote from: SoHKz x Ed on July 10, 2003, 09:51 PM
".Version" is an ego trip. " - Grok
How so? Its just to let the users know which version of a particular bot they have. perhaps it is to show that you have version 1.0 but there is 2.0 available (shown if another user is loading 2.0?)

Now: lets all try and THINK before we speak?
Zerobot's .version string includes __DATE__ and __TIME__, so it can be used to find out when exactly the currently active version was built.  I find that immensely handy in determining whether a particular change is in the working version. :p

Sohkzxed: I concur entirely with Skywing on the matter of igpriv as a bad method of restricting access.  It is not only a shoddy way of protecting a bot from unauthorized access, it's also unworkable in many situations.  For instance, what if you decide that more than 25 names ought to legitimately have access to the bot?  You're stuck, because you can only put 25 people on the list.  If you do the access checks locally, you can have a theoretically unlimited number of authorized names.  I say names specifically, because of the case where you have an authorized user with multiple names - which will fill up your friends list even faster.  Further, if you rely on the server ignoring chat to protect the bot, you lose the ability to have multiple levels of access.  Any given user either is, or is not, able to grant/remove access from other users.  There's no middle ground of being able to give "a little access".

Further, the bot cannot be used to chat / monitor channel / automoderate if it is using server-side filtering.  Unless your access-checking capability is extremely inefficient, it should be easily possible to allow the bot to receive all chat and process based on a local ACL.  Zerobot does this and shows no visible performance problems (either in slowness of response or reported usage of CPU).
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Multiauthoring of a single bot instance run on a shared server is unique to [vL] however.


Quote from: Grok on July 11, 2003, 03:28 PM
Multiauthoring of a single bot instance run on a shared server is unique to [vL] however.
<cough> CVS </cough>
