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OpenID: Worth implementing in BNETDocs?

Started by Don Cullen, March 22, 2008, 10:40 AM

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so does this mean it won't eventually let me add friends, and stuff? can you at least allow me to display photos, videos?


Quote from: Don Cullen on March 22, 2008, 04:43 PM
Crashed? Shouldn't do that. What version of IE were you using? Does it still crash when you access the website via IE? I just accessed it via IE 6, IE 7, and IE 8. Had no problems.  If it still crashes, try disabling javascript for your browser and attempt accessing it again. If it still crashes, I don't know what to think.
The site works fine (just checked again) but the packet menus/lists dont work, I just tryed to copy/paste some text and it crashed IE again and massivly lagged my comp :(
The messages that do show up dont seem linked to anything as well.
Looked somthing like:
and clicking anything within the packet menu crashs.
Everything else seems to link/work fine for me tho.

Don Cullen

Quote from: Ringo on March 22, 2008, 05:17 PM
The site works fine (just checked again) but the packet menus/lists dont work, I just tryed to copy/paste some text and it crashed IE again and massivly lagged my comp :(
The messages that do show up dont seem linked to anything as well.
Looked somthing like:
and clicking anything within the packet menu crashs.
Everything else seems to link/work fine for me tho.

What version of IE are you using? And did you try disabling javascript, then trying again with the packet menu? If so, what was the result?

Betawarz, one photo, yea. But add friends, videos, all the nifty features a social networking site would have? Nope. If you want a social networking site, try MySpace, Facebook, or the endless number of social networking sites out there. :-P

But if Blizzard were to offer to hire me on as a full time webmaster dedicated to working on BNETDocs, or make a buy out offer for BNETDocs, then I'd be happy to add whatever Blizzard wants. But we all know that isn't happening, Blizzard has a long history of being closed-source so they wouldn't be too amenable to BNETDocs. At the very most, Blizzard tolerates BNETDocs as a quaint curiosity. :-P

Anyway, the matter's settled. It's easy enough to implement OpenID support, so I'll add it in for the hell of it.

Edit: Ringo, I just tried it in IE 7, I see what you mean. A workaround would be to click the + sign next to the packet group title to expand it, the links will then render on the text. The + when clicked will change to -, if clicked, it will collapse the group. The bad news is, everytime you want to use the packet group menu in IE, you'd have to open, then collapse a group for the links to render properly. I'm not sure why it's having problems in IE. Not to worry, BNETDocs v2 doesn't make use of javascript, and renders very well in IE 7.

Since IE 8 has gone beta, may I advise you to take the leap and upgrade to IE 7? Or better yet, switch to another browser (Firefox? Safari?). :-) From what it sounds like, you have an old computer, so you should try Safari, it's very quick, and not CPU/Memory intensive. FF v2 is memory intensive, but from what I heard, that problem has been solved for the most part in FF 3 (currently in final beta testing stages).

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


how to gain access to update/modify bnetdocs.org?  pretty much looks like a copy of my latest workings from bnetdocs (original one) so i feel necessary to be able to modify ;)

Don Cullen

Of course it looks like a copy -- everything was copied over except for the old comments on the original site. ;)

As for gaining access to modify, you simply had to ask. Which you just did. If you log in, you'll notice you now have the ability to post/edit/delete news, add/edit/delete packets/documentation, and moderate comments.

Enjoy. :)

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


bnetdocs.org s very helpfull right now, just need some extra comments :). Good work btw.
aka: Archangel, i can't login into the account or request the password, weird problem.


Quote from: Don Cullen on March 22, 2008, 10:49 PM
Of course it looks like a copy -- everything was copied over except for the old comments on the original site. ;)

As for gaining access to modify, you simply had to ask. Which you just did. If you log in, you'll notice you now have the ability to post/edit/delete news, add/edit/delete packets/documentation, and moderate comments.

Enjoy. :)

cool thanks, already got a bunch of stuff i see that needs fixin


a lot of the things labeled unknowns are known; might want to fix those also

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: Don Cullen on March 22, 2008, 01:28 PM
@Vuther.de -- just curious; why don't you use BNETDocs?
I don't program anything anymore, heh. But if I ever start back again and need reference, I'm sure BnetDocs will be the first place I go.

btw warz I want to send you a pic cmt when you upload it, k? keke.