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C->S 0x1c

Started by iNsaNe, February 13, 2008, 01:07 AM

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A little help with Warcraft c->s 0x1c (create custom game).

(DWORD) State
(DWORD) Time since creation
(WORD) Game Type
(WORD) Parameter
(DWORD) Unknown (1F)
(BOOLEAN) Ladder
(STRING) Game name
(STRING) Game password
(STRING) Game Statstring

But for warcraft it seems a little more than that or different at least. What is game type and paramater? Also for the unknown 1F dword thats not the value im getting, i always get 0x03ff. Could i get away with putting values 0 for boh the Words? Also, how do i compute the statstring?

Also i'm observing that there is some counter for each game hosted, but it's a string or something.
thanks in advance.


1C is for all games EXCEPT war3/w3xp... Isn't it?


I dont remember which but you should look at the packets 0x60 - 0x64