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S>C 0x70 - 0x02 Response, need further explanation

Started by MysT_DooM, February 06, 2008, 11:24 PM

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According to BnetDocs,
Quote0x02: Too soon

According to a post couple years back
Quote0x02: Not enough alternation since last clan creation action

Now what does this actually mean.  Does too soon mean that you just checked on a tag, and ur over checking it too much..cause that wouldn't hold true, since I tested it on a different key and it worked fine. 
So does anyone have a further explaination on this response. 
Some background on my testing: I have been using this one cdkey and this 0x02 arises when I check a tag, however when I change the key and check the same tag, it gives regular non-0x02 responses.  However, on that key with the 0x02 response, if i check some other random tag like s2fs it would return a non 0x02.  But its wierd.

Just need a further explanation on this.

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


As far as I know, 0x02 means your cdkey is "clanned".

    Select Case Result
        Case &H0
            If UBound(Users) = 0 Then
                'Could not find enough candidates.
            End If
        Case &H1
            'That Clan tag is already taken.
        Case &H2
            'Your CDKey is Clanned.
        Case &H8
            'You are already in a Clan.
        Case &HA
            'Invalid Clan tag.
        Case Else
            'Unknown Clan find candidates response.
    End Select


now this term "clanned" relating to CdKey never held true to me..cause just now, right now, i created another clan on same server with the same set of keys i used to create the first channel which was like 10 mins before i created 2nd one.  So "clanned" doesn't relate to the key but the account.  i.e I just changed the accounts.

further testing of this stupid stupid issue, I think that "too soon" is relating to certain channels that are being checked too often? i dunno?

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


O.o Really, now? I've never done much with War3, so I don't know anything more, sorry.


no, it is too soon for you to leave the clan, join another clan, etc.  there are certain time periods that must be passed before you can do certain things with clans.  i.e. try to promote someone not in the clan for 7 days should result in a "too soon" kind of thing if I remember correctly


Quote from: UserLoser on February 07, 2008, 01:56 AM
no, it is too soon for you to leave the clan, join another clan, etc.  there are certain time periods that must be passed before you can do certain things with clans.  i.e. try to promote someone not in the clan for 7 days should result in a "too soon" kind of thing if I remember correctly

Well, I'm getting this "Too Soon" when I check to see if a Clan Tag is still available. 

CdKey 1 = Checks the tag "Tag"  = Result = "0x02"
CdKey 2 = Checks the tag "Tag" = Result = "0x01"
CdKey 1 = Checks the tag "ds2q = Result = "0x00"
CdKey 1 = Checks the tag "Dark" = Result = "0x01"
CdKey 1 = Checks the tag "Sex" = Result = "0x02"
CdKey 2 = Checks the tag "Sex" = Result = "0x01"

*Note CdKey 1 is a voided key

Also I successfully made a 2 clans on same server 5 mins apart from each other using CdKey1. 

Maybe voided keys act differently, when check certain channels?
this is odd

Also you might think that repeated requests of 0x70 may cause this but that doesnt hold true either. check the times. (0x02 is recieved when no msg is given after "Recieved 0x70" in this example)

[9:57:52 AM] Clan Tag is not taken.
[10:00:02 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:02 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:02 AM] Clan Tag is not taken.
[10:00:03 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:03 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:03 AM] Clan Tag is not taken.
[10:00:04 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:04 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:04 AM] Clan Tag is not taken.
[10:00:06 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:06 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:10 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:10 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:12 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:12 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:12 AM] Clan Tag is already taken.
[10:00:13 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:13 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:13 AM] Clan Tag is already taken.
[10:00:14 AM] Sending 0x70
[10:00:15 AM] Recieved 0x70
[10:00:15 AM] Clan Tag is already taken.

So to reiterate, this CdKey is not "Clanned" ,
I'm putting it out there now that CdKeys can not be "Clanned" it is account name dependent.  I say that because just tested that by using the same cdkeys and just changing the account names and still successfully created two clan channels.
The CdKey of issue is a voided key and recieves 0x02 on certain tags, however on others it does not.  However on a unvoided key checking those same tags that that voided key recieved 0x02 on , does not recieve 0x02.
So maybe, its looking most likly, that voided keys have some "thing" that does things diffrently?

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


This is odd, now the cdkey does seem "clanned".   
Any explanations how I was able to create multiple clan channels using same keys but different accounts and now finnaly the CdKey is "clanned"

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: UserLoser on February 07, 2008, 01:56 AM
no, it is too soon for you to leave the clan, join another clan, etc.  there are certain time periods that must be passed before you can do certain things with clans.  i.e. try to promote someone not in the clan for 7 days should result in a "too soon" kind of thing if I remember correctly
I'm awake in the infinite cold.

[13:41:45]<@Fapiko> Why is TehUser asking for wang pictures?
[13:42:03]<@TehUser> I wasn't asking for wang pictures, I was looking at them.
[13:47:40]<@TehUser> Mine's fairly short.


Well it seems keys are clanned after using one to create different channels twice. who knows. 
thanks for the info.
Safe to say yes 0x02 is "clanned"

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Quote from: MysT_DooM on February 06, 2008, 11:32 PMSo "clanned" doesn't relate to the key but the account.

It's the cd key.

If you are saying it is the account that is "clanned" then that doesnt even make sense because you cant leave a clan on a particular account until your probationary (1 week) period is up.