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Re: TriviaBot.bcp

Started by Samsunait, January 12, 2008, 08:33 AM

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I tryed this, is fine, but the /trivia auto is not working, when someone write "trivia" in channel nothing happen, look at the log:
[15.33.30] <Samsonite> trivia
[15.33.33] <Samsonite> .trivia on
[15.33.36] <Samsonite> trivia on
[15.33.47] [trivia] Trivia is already on auto
[15.33.47] /trivia auto
Where is the problem?


Hi try creating a file named triviabot.cfg and add the line name=bnet_name where bnet_name is the triviabot's battle.net username


first thx for fast answer. The file was already in channel, but empty, i added that line and now is working, but i got a strange thing (maybe).
here the log:
[22.09.28] /me Did somebody say trivia? Game starting ...
[22.09.28] <Samsonite> trivia
[22.09.28] <011235813213455 Did somebody say trivia? Game starting ...>
[22.09.40] [trivia] Picking question 4254/4831 ...
[22.09.40] /me Q: What type of Armor do Footmen have?|Heavy.
[22.09.40] <011235813213455 Q: What type of Armor do Footmen have?|Heavy.>
(the trivia here see that was stucked, he write the question with the answer together, i don't know if is a bug or something, only wanna you know)
[22.10.21] <Samsonite> heavy
[22.10.24] <Samsonite> trivia
[22.10.31] [trivia] Trivia activated.  Game starting in 5 seconds ...
[22.10.31] /trivia on
(other times all going good)
[22.13.57] <Samsonite> trivia
[22.13.57] <011235813213455 Game starting ...>
[22.14.09] [trivia] Picking question 1277/4831 ...


this happen to me another time, now i think it's a bug:
[23.48.24] [trivia] Picking question 4322/4831 ...
[23.48.24] /me Q: Where can the upgrade "Mark of the Claw" be found?|Ancient of Lore.
[23.48.24] <GOOFY Q: Where can the upgrade "Mark of the Claw" be found?|Ancient of Lore.>
and from now on it stop, i must /trivia on to start again.


It's the question database you're using.  question and answer should be separated by *, not |


Thx again, i'll change that.