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Warden Inactivated.

Started by Denial, September 21, 2007, 05:15 PM

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Actually they can but you wouldn't know anything about that. Seriously, where do these idiots come from? TEH HEAVENZ ABOVE?
Quote from: UserLoser on September 22, 2007, 02:18 PM
They can't just "change the structure" of a message without patching the millions of Starcraft clients out there, that would be unpractical and just stupid


You do realize what he means by a structure of a message, right?


Quote from: Andy on September 22, 2007, 07:55 PM
You do realize what he means by a structure of a message, right?

<Michael> ..unless they are changing the 0x5E packet structure....

Yes, i know what he means by structure.


Then you should know that any change in a packet structure would result in a requirement of the reading of that structure within the application, which would require a patch.


And you reversed Starcraft enough to know that it doesn't call a warden function to process it right? Think before you speak up my dear padawan.

Quote from: Andy on September 22, 2007, 08:04 PM
Then you should know that any change in a packet structure would result in a requirement of the reading of that structure within the application, which would require a patch.


I know enough about programming to know you can't create a packet structure and then change it without changing the code that reads the packet.


This is my last reply on this but what part don't you understand?

In starcraft recv code:

recv( ... );
case 0x5E:
call warden.Process( ... ); // function is existant in warden module

And what do you know, warden can be changed anytime without changing Starcraft.exe! You need to learn more padawan.

Quote from: Andy on September 22, 2007, 08:12 PM
I know enough about programming to know you can't create a packet structure and then change it without changing the code that reads the packet.


You just proved you didn't understand the phrase 'packet structure'. Good job.


You both can be correct.
dev: The main flaw with your logic is wtf happens to people who don't have the latest version of warden's module, therefor the game dosn't know how the fuck to handle the data.
What I think people can agree upon is that the BASIC structure must stay the same. but the rest may change.
For example. In one version it could be dword, byte byte, next it could be byte string dword, Kinda catch my drift?
But the basic structure would be the same. <void> Version Specific data
I have looked inside SC, Basically, thats what it does. It does a but more sanity check but the main recv dosen't care the structure, but WardenClient.cpp does.

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You're right Hdx, the basic structure will stay the same ( FF 0x5E size ), but that wasn't what i was talking about. I didn't know I had to dumb it down for people like Andy to understand what I'm saying. If you had thought before you wrote as I mentioned before, you would realize that it'd be a waste of time and effort to make a new base packet structure. I'm talking about the specific structure associated with each packet as Hdx mentioned (which was what Michael was talking about, the internal structure of the packet).

Regarding the flaw, I'm pretty sure there are measures taken to ensure correct communication between the server and warden client.


Quote from: Hdx on September 22, 2007, 08:36 PM
You both can be correct.
dev: The main flaw with your logic is wtf happens to people who don't have the latest version of warden's module, therefor the game dosn't know how the fuck to handle the data.
What I think people can agree upon is that the BASIC structure must stay the same. but the rest may change.
For example. In one version it could be dword, byte byte, next it could be byte string dword, Kinda catch my drift?
But the basic structure would be the same. <void> Version Specific data
I have looked inside SC, Basically, thats what it does. It does a but more sanity check but the main recv dosen't care the structure, but WardenClient.cpp does.


Please for fucks sake, when you quote/reply to someone DO IT BELOW THERE TEXT.
I'm not talking about the header data, thats all set and final unless the blizz coders decides to be duches.
Ugh trying to find a way to 'dumb it down' as you say.
Lets say the basic structure is jsut this:
(DWord) Module Version
(void) Version Specific data.
There has to be some form of signal to tell the client what version of the packet structure it should use.
v1: byte byte qword
v2: string dword pstring
Bah, I don't think i can dumb this down anymore. So ima stop.
Heres the thing, don't take anything Michael says to heart, I never do and it's served me well.


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Quote from: Hdx on September 22, 2007, 09:11 PM
Please for fucks sake, when you quote/reply to someone DO IT BELOW THERE TEXT.
I'm not talking about the header data, thats all set and final unless the blizz coders decides to be duches.
Ugh trying to find a way to 'dumb it down' as you say.
Lets say the basic structure is jsut this:
(DWord) Module Version
(void) Version Specific data.
There has to be some form of signal to tell the client what version of the packet structure it should use.
v1: byte byte qword
v2: string dword pstring
Bah, I don't think i can dumb this down anymore. So ima stop.
Heres the thing, don't take anything Michael says to heart, I never do and it's served me well.


Gah, don't worry about it. I'll think how I think and others can think how they think. I've been reversing and writing code for many mannnnnnny years so I'll decide what I think is right and use what I need. After all, I've been successfull at everything I've done :)


What you're describing is changing the value, not the structure. That's all I'm trying to make you realize.


No what I'm trying to describe is changing the structure. That's all I'm trying to make you realize. Boils down to me > you.

Quote from: Andy on September 22, 2007, 09:27 PM
What you're describing is changing the value, not the structure. That's all I'm trying to make you realize.


[flame]devcode. Please STFU with the insults untill you start producing something. I jsut reviewed all of your posts. None are productive in any manor.
before you flame me back, Yes Most of my posts arnt productive. But i help where I can. Nothing you have posted sofar can be considered 'help'.[/flame]
On-topic: I jsut poked warden with a stick, and it bit me :( (by bit I mean froze my comp and forced me to re-boot). But I see the layers of encoding you've mentioned.

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