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Warden anti-hack is back..

Started by brew, August 29, 2007, 07:01 PM

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Don Cullen

Google, define:program
Results obtained from: Georgetown University
QuoteA set of coded instructions that a computer executes or interprets to perform an automated task. 2. An interrelated group of projects that are either being run concurrently or sequentially and that share a system goal. Individual projects may have different goals, however the combined set of projects will have a program goal.

Google, define:algorithm
Results obtained from: Wetstone, a division of Allen Corporation
QuoteA set of ordered steps for solving a problem, such as a mathematical formula or the instructions in a program. The terms algorithm and logic are synonymous. Both refer to a sequence of steps to solve a problem. However, an algorithm implies an expression that solves a complex problem rather than the overall input-process-output logic of typical business programs.

In other words, they're the one and the same.

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


The algorithm is more like the logic behind the program.


Not quite;

Algorithm : program :: class : object.

That is to say, a program is an instance of an algorithm, just as an object is an instance of a class.



A class is also a type of object, but an algorithm isn't necessarily a program.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Emulate what Starcraft does for the 0x5E packet. KABEWM. EZ.


Quote from: devcode on September 08, 2007, 12:51 PM
Emulate what Starcraft does for the 0x5E packet. KABEWM. EZ.
I assume that means you've already got it done?


For an experienced reverse-engineer/developer, it shoudn't be hard at all. I personally haven't done it since I'm more focused on the ingame-hacks side of things (ie. maphack, selection hacks, etc..) but maybe sometime in the future, I may take it on as project. I briefly reversed it when Warden released for SC but didn't focus my time and effort on it.


Its not hard at all to do what SC does with warden. It's hard to modify warden to return the proper values.
Basically what SC does is takes the data, shoves it into a big block of free memory in its memory space. And does a call 0x12345678 where 0x12345678 is the start address of where it loads it into memory.
It's not hard to do at all, in fact, i've done it, I even make a wrapper exe that you can shove modules in to be called.
So 'Emulate what Starcraft does for the 0x5E packet. ' has already been done.

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Obviously you didn't understand what I said. We consider the black-box to be for eg. in 0x12345678, and we feed the input (the 0x5E packet) and the output from this black-box is the reply we send back to Battle.net. Obviously, to be cool, the warden code will be loaded on your bot client instead of using an interface which communicates with the Starcraft client. Now which part did you not get from this.


Pretty much all of it... What the hell are you talking about?
Hows exactly do you propose to setup this black box to trick warden into thinking its still inside a valid SC space?

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That's the part that requires you to reverse the processing of the 0x5E packet.

Don Cullen

Quote from: devcode on September 08, 2007, 01:35 PM
For an experienced reverse-engineer/developer, it shoudn't be hard at all. I personally haven't done it since I'm more focused on the ingame-hacks side of things (ie. maphack, selection hacks, etc..) but maybe sometime in the future, I may take it on as project. I briefly reversed it when Warden released for SC but didn't focus my time and effort on it.

You claim to have briefly reversed it-- and claim to have the ability to reverse 0x5E-- would you care to elaborate more on the details of it? Anyone can claim to have done it, but not everybody can actually prove it. Especially when you view this page:


Hard to take someone seriously when all there seems to be pretty much are insults and vaporized efforts. ;)

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Yes, that was a few months back, don't remember all the details off the top of my head. I'll take a look at it when I get time today/tomorrow.


Quote from: devcode on September 08, 2007, 03:47 PM
That's the part that requires you to reverse the processing of the 0x5E packet.
So, in essence, you've contributed absolutely nothing and gotten everyone mad at you. GOOD JOB, FUCKUP :)


But I clearly said in the post

"For an experienced reverse-engineer/developer..." and I mentioned I hadn't got in-depth with this. I just said it was possible for someone who is experienced, nothing else. So, in essence, you fale.
