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BNETDocs Redux

Started by Don Cullen, August 22, 2007, 05:41 PM

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Quote from: rabbit on August 23, 2007, 11:34 AM
Quote from: LordVader on August 23, 2007, 07:30 AM
Most browsers you can set an overiding font, and as far as the font's size try holding control and spin you're mouse wheel if you have one.

Complaining about a font is fairly pointless now aday's unless a site uses a custom one that you would be forced to download etc, theirs plenty of ways to work around basic font and sizes on the users end if you don't like it change it on you're end.
How are Arial and Courier New "custom" fonts?  And I don't want to change the font for EVERY website, so I'm not setting overrides.  And I really don't feel like changing the size every time I go there.  The point of a website like BnetDocs Redux is to provide as much help as possible, and if that means overriding default fonts and changing render sizes, I say that website can burn in hell.

Where in any of that do you see anything refering to any specific font (especially common ones) as being custom read/understand before you respond.

What was typed there and ment by the text was that people can use custom fonts(that a user may not have on their pc) and if no fallback font is specified would force the user to actually download/install the font(embeding it into the page etc), most ppl don't even know this is possible thankfully so you don't run into it often.
That is something to complain and gripe about, that specific font and size of it isn't tho.

There are browsers/plugins that allow you to over-ride specific sites so you don't have to do it globally btw.


QuoteDirect Access Denied. Nice try buddy!

Fail.  If you agree it's too small, why not set the default up a couple pixels?
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Because I don't have access to.
And you need to login to access it as it's customizable theams.

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Also some of the D2GS data is incorrect mostly the naming schemes.. someone should go thru and look thru + compare to this list:

One that i notice off hand is for example:

Message ID:   0x2F
Message Name:   D2GS_NPCHEAL
Message Status:   RAW, NEW PACKET
Direction:   Client -> Server (Sent)
Used By:   Diablo II, Diablo
Format:   (DWORD) Unused(DWORD) NPC ID
Remarks:   Heals the player through the specified NPC. Please note: This message's official name is not known, and has been invented.

That should more correctly be refered to as NPCTalk or NPCChat happens once and only after you have sent an 0x13 packet to actually click the npc, and then you choose "talk" that is the 2f packet.
And also the first dword is entity kind, you can see more info about that also in the EON packet list.

0x2F - Initiate entity chat - 2F [DWORD Entity Kind] [DWORD Entity ID]

The different Entity types:

00 - Players
01 - Monsters, NPCs, and Mercenaries
02 - Stash, Waypoint, Chests, Corpses, and other objects.
03 - Missiles
04 - Items
05 - Entrances

*Edit: cleaned up and added a little.

*Update: I was mistaken the example above isn't directly in responce to clicking talk on an NPC it actually indicates that you are now interacting with an NPC (after 0x13) ..
A dialog window is opened at this state and is prior to any choices being made(talk/trade etc).
More correctly could be labled as D2GS_NPCINIT or D2GS_NPCSESSIONSTART or something.


Don Cullen

Whoa. Alot of responses. I'll respond to each one in the order of oldest to most recent posts.

QuoteI saw your "different solution" and it still doesn't fix the problem, because showing the list of SID packets still makes the page a mile long. Also, see my list of problems with bnetdocs here. So far, this "redux" is exactly the same as bnetdocs but with a new skin. As a potential visitor, I'd rather use the old version because I know it better, since there's no difference in what your site has and what the original has besides a text-based copy which is useless for pretty much everyone but people who like text over gui.

Andy-- your solution is putting up a frame. And I do not feel comfortable with the idea of using a frame. You say you'd rather use the old version -- that's the kicker of it. The old version no longer exists. The copies of it that exist on the web, while they retain the data, are extremely crippled. If you'd like to keep using those crippled copies rather than use BNETDocs Redux, go ahead. That's your choice. I respect that.

QuoteThird, instead of listing every single packet twice for S>C and C>S, just make two links per line like so:
[0x00] SID_NULL (S>C) (C>S)
That drops your list length by nearly HALF.

Good idea, that. Now that's exactly what I call constructive criticism -- identifying a problem, and offering a solution. That idea has been added to my to-do list. I most definitely will be implementing that. Shouldn't be too hard to change the code to that format.

QuoteAlso, the top of the page is a HUGE waste of space. What the hell? You have a graphical logo with the name, you have a text version of the name, and together they take up a good 400 pixels.

Heh, yes. I apologize. That was a bug in the CSS code. I hadn't realized I forgot to update the CSS for the default CSS. There should only be a graphical logo, and no text logo. The text logo was there mainly for the low-fi css theme that is available for selection in the css theme editor. In any case, thanks for pointing that out, I just fixed the error.

QuoteAlso, that font is fail.  And requiring javascript is stupid.

Rabbit-- you can change the font in the CSS Theme Editor. If you don't have an account yet, register, then click on CSS Theme Editor in the left side navigation menu. Then go ahead and edit the CSS to change the font to what you prefer. As for requiring javascript, it hardly is required. You can just disable javascript on your browser. The site will work just fine without it.

EDIT: I just disabled javascript on my browser, and saw the problem, the packet groups will not expand, due to javascript being disabled. This is a problem. I apologize for this. I will modify the code so if javascript is disabled on a browser, the menus will remain expanded. This has been added to my to-do list. Thanks for pointing out this problem, Rabbit. :)

Quote from: Camel on August 23, 2007, 11:20 AM
Your HTML mailer is broken.

QuoteMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;

Welcome!<br><br>You've registered as an user of BNETDocs Redux. If this email is in error, simply
                                       ignore this email.<br><br>Your information is as follows: <br><br>...

Interesting, I thought I had fixed that glitch. Thanks for pointing it out. It has been added to my to-do list to be fixed. Once again, I appreciate bringing it to my attention! :)

LordVader, Rabbit, no need to change the font settings on your browser or download some random plugin to change the fonts on BNETDocs Redux. There's a reason why I put in the CSS Theme Editor. Just register, and modify the CSS to display the size and type of font that you like. That way, BNETDocs Redux will be styled exactly the way you like it, and you won't have to make global changes. Guess that means BNETDocs Redux doesn't have to burn in hell. ;)

Quote from: rabbit on August 23, 2007, 12:39 PM
QuoteDirect Access Denied. Nice try buddy!
Fail.  If you agree it's too small, why not set the default up a couple pixels?

It's because you aren't logged in. Log in. If you don't have an account, register, then login. You'll be able to access the page then. The reason for requiring an account in order to be able to use the CSS Theme editor is because when an user modifies the CSS, that CSS is applied on a per user basis, so any changes in the CSS is saved to that user's account. Once you're in the CSS Theme Editor, go ahead and bump it up a few pixels.

Quote from: LordVader on August 23, 2007, 01:11 PM
Also some of the D2GS data is incorrect mostly the naming schemes.. someone should go thru and look thru + compare to this list:

If you like, you can register and I'll add editing capabilities to your account so you can fix the inaccuracies. :)

Quote from: iCe on August 23, 2007, 01:57 PM
Make a W3GS section :D

I apologize for my lack of knowledge, but what is W3GS? How does everyone feel about the addition of a W3GS section? If there's a general consensus that it should be added, I'll be more than happy to add the section. :)

Whew, that wraps up all of the responses. If you guys find any more errors/bugs/glitches, feel free to point them out. If you have criticism, constructive criticism (criticize, then offer ideas to resolve the problem) is always welcome. If you have suggestions/ideas, those are also always welcome.

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


War3 Game Server would be my guess. And what's wrong with using a frame if it prevents having to load a huge list of packets every time you load a new page?


Quote from: Andy on August 23, 2007, 03:26 PM
War3 Game Server would be my guess. And what's wrong with using a frame if it prevents having to load a huge list of packets every time you load a new page?

Frames are generally bad mojo can be done well and if done well i have no problems with frames, prevent people from loading other sites/pages into the diff frames and or break out of them etc.

Most ppl don't take that into consideration tho and frames are frowned apon in most instances for that reason.

Not to mention the fact that alot of ppl simply wrap a frame around pages that don't actually exist on their site and try to pass it off as their own..

So don't take ppl reacting harshly in regards to frames to seriously if you know what you're doing I say go for it.
They just have a bad rep, most ppl do a really piss poor job with them so meh, is all in the details as usual.


@Don Cullen, thx for that I will probably do that (*edit just did that, account is LordVader) =)

Very neat btw how each user is able to alter the style sheet for their own preferences, that is fairly unique..
Did you create that or is it apart of a CMS or something?


The login page reports a SQL syntax error.


So what you're saying is that only people that register can make the site not painful to read?  That's a bad idea right there.

Anyways, I've been poking around the CSS editor and I've noticed a few things:
1. Changes I make revert to the default after I hit the Render button.
2. The box gets big instead of scrolling.  Very annoying.
3. The site doesn't remember Open state of packet lists when using certain links.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote(DWORD) Protocol ID (0)(DWORD) Platform ID (DWORD) Product ID (DWORD) Version Byte(DWORD) Product language(DWORD) Local IP for NAT compatibility*(DWORD) Time zone bias*(DWORD) Locale ID*(DWORD) Language ID*(STRING) Country abreviation (STRING) Country

Only problem I've found so far is that the packet structure is not properly displayed for readability anyway. ^


Quote from: Chriso.de on August 23, 2007, 06:37 PM
Quote(DWORD) Protocol ID (0)(DWORD) Platform ID (DWORD) Product ID (DWORD) Version Byte(DWORD) Product language(DWORD) Local IP for NAT compatibility*(DWORD) Time zone bias*(DWORD) Locale ID*(DWORD) Language ID*(STRING) Country abreviation (STRING) Country

Only problem I've found so far is that the packet structure is not properly displayed for readability anyway. ^

i think that's only on 0x50


Its alot of them. Its just a side effect of copy/paste. I'll poke around and fix some tonight.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Apart from that though, good job :)
