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BNETDocs Redux

Started by Don Cullen, August 22, 2007, 05:41 PM

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Don Cullen

What features did you wish BNETDocs had?

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


If you're going to make a new documentation site, make the big ol mile long packet list a frame that only loads ONCE and has a vertical scroll. That's the most annoying part of bnetdocs ever.


Quote from: Andy on August 22, 2007, 05:54 PM
If you're going to make a new documentation site, make the big ol mile long packet list a frame that only loads ONCE and has a vertical scroll. That's the most annoying part of bnetdocs ever.

I expressed this to Arta a while ago. Apparently his reason is that he doesn't want it to cache in case he adds new packets. Perhaps if it expired after 1 hour or so? Does HTTP have that feature?
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


He means a separate iframe for the navi
Anyways, http://bnetdocs.dementedminds.net/
No quite site for you, if you do it, do it big.
And yes, you can make the cache timeout. So mm

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If you're going to call that BnetDocs, you better be giving credit where necessary.  More than half the messages on BnetDocs were revised by my self (excluding D2GS / UDP).  All of BotNet/BNLS, most of the MCP and BNCS messages I updated and revised.  If Arta and Kyro is an administrator on that "bnetdocs", than so am I because I am on the *real* BnetDocs.

Don Cullen

Ah crap, Hdx, why did you have to go and give it all away? >.< Site wasn't ready for a full blown release... >.<

Ah well. What's done is done. Might as well deal with it now.

Brew, BNETDocs is already up. I took over what I presumed was an abandoned project. Arta was not responding to my queries about my taking over the project, so I had to do everything from stratch. So BNETDocs was reborn. Redux means reborn, thus BNETDocs Redux. It's a full blown site, and fully functional. Needs some work in certain areas though. The packets also need to be cleaned up badly. But otherwise the site is done. Enjoy the "working-ness", Brew.  :P

Andy, as to what you suggested, no need for a side frame. If you go to the site, you'll see I came up with a different solution to solve that very annoyance. :)

Joe, you misunderstood Andy. Andy was talking about the left side navigation menu that was listing all of the packets -- it was originally an extremely long list. That was on the old BNETDocs.

Quote from: UserLoser on August 22, 2007, 10:00 PM
If you're going to call that BnetDocs, you better be giving credit where necessary.  More than half the messages on BnetDocs were revised by my self (excluding D2GS / UDP).  All of BotNet/BNLS, most of the MCP and BNCS messages I updated and revised.  If Arta and Kyro is an administrator on that "bnetdocs", than so am I because I am on the *real* BnetDocs.

UserLoser, three things:

1. You have an account over at BNETDocs Redux -- I ported it over, but you'll have to reset your password.
2. You already are an editor, so you still have the ability to edit packets.
3. Proper due credits have already been given.

Here's link to credits page, as displayed openly on the site:


And if you scroll to the bottom of ANY page ANYWHERE on the site, you'll see this copyright at the footer:

Site scripts and design copyrights reserved to Don Cullen.
Contents copyrighted to Blizzard and their parent corporation, Vivendi.
Main credits for contents goes to Arta. View the rest of credits.
Demented Minds copyrights reserved to Don Cullen 2003-present.
Copyright infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Please view our legal disclaimer and terms of service.

Even when you generate the variables for the packets, the generator adds this:

Quote# PacketID Constants for PHP
# Generated by BNETDocs: Redux on August 22, 2007
# BNETDocs: Redux software written by Don Cullen AKA Kyro
# Original BNETDocs content compiled by Arta & Skywing

Even when you view the legalism page containing the legal disclaimer and terms of service, at the bottom of the document, you'll see this:

BNETDocs©, BNETDocs Redux©, The Demented Minds©
The original BNETDocs site is copyrighted to Arta. BNETDocs Redux is copyrighted to the Demented Minds, and to Don Cullen AKA Kyro. BNETDocs Redux is copyrighted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Creative Commons License


So I think I most definitely am giving proper due credit. If you still think so otherwise after reading this, please do let me know via PM and I'll correct it.

Hdx had previously requested a full plain text version of BNETDocs Redux documentation, but Arta hadn't responded to his request. Someone else requested a simple downloadable version. Arta declined for version control reasons.

Fact is simple, I'm not Arta. And while Arta is an administrator of the new BNETDocs Redux, he's not coding it. He's not even on this project, although he is more than welcome to jump aboard, I fully respect his opinion, and his contributions. I have nothing but the highest admiration for him.

So I granted both requests, while solving Arta's concern. BNETDocs Redux now offers a full blown plain text version of the BNETDocs Redux documentation available for saving off-line. I think that pretty much fulfills both ideas. The plain text version of the documentation is completely dynamically generated, so there's always an up-to-date version available for downloading. This can be found at:


Or just go to the BNETDocs Redux site at:


And click on the 'Download BNETDocs as Text' link in the left side navigation menu.

Enjoy, ya'all.

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


I saw your "different solution" and it still doesn't fix the problem, because showing the list of SID packets still makes the page a mile long. Also, see my list of problems with bnetdocs here. So far, this "redux" is exactly the same as bnetdocs but with a new skin. As a potential visitor, I'd rather use the old version because I know it better, since there's no difference in what your site has and what the original has besides a text-based copy which is useless for pretty much everyone but people who like text over gui.

Edit: Lemme give you an example on how to effectively create a full list of packets without taking up so much space:
First off, make the site in frames so the entire list doesn't load every time you open a new page. Frames do have uses, and this is one of them.
Secondly, make the frame that stores the list scroll vertically so you don't have to scroll the actual content out of sight.
Third, instead of listing every single packet twice for S>C and C>S, just make two links per line like so:
[0x00] SID_NULL (S>C) (C>S)
That drops your list length by nearly HALF.

Also, the top of the page is a HUGE waste of space. What the hell? You have a graphical logo with the name, you have a text version of the name, and together they take up a good 400 pixels.


Also, that font is fail.  And requiring javascript is stupid.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


If he didn't have all the lists hidden, and had a better way of displaying them, he wouldn't need javascript. And which font? the SC-Like one?


The stupid Times New Roman.  It should be pleasing looking.  The lists should be in a monospace (ie Courier New), and the rest should be in a sans-serif (ie Arial).  Also, the text size is just plain too small.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: rabbit on August 23, 2007, 01:02 AM
The stupid Times New Roman.  It should be pleasing looking.  The lists should be in a monospace (ie Courier New), and the rest should be in a sans-serif (ie Arial).  Also, the text size is just plain too small.

Most browsers you can set an overiding font, and as far as the font's size try holding control and spin you're mouse wheel if you have one.

Complaining about a font is fairly pointless now adays unless a site uses a custom one that you would be forced to download etc, theirs plenty of ways to work around basic font and sizes on the users end if you don't like it change it on you're end.


Your HTML mailer is broken.

QuoteMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;

Welcome!<br><br>You've registered as an user of BNETDocs Redux. If this email is in error, simply
                                       ignore this email.<br><br>Your information is as follows: <br><br>...


Quote from: LordVader on August 23, 2007, 07:30 AM
Most browsers you can set an overiding font, and as far as the font's size try holding control and spin you're mouse wheel if you have one.

Complaining about a font is fairly pointless now adays unless a site uses a custom one that you would be forced to download etc, theirs plenty of ways to work around basic font and sizes on the users end if you don't like it change it on you're end.
How are Arial and Courier New "custom" fonts?  And I don't want to change the font for EVERY website, so I'm not setting overrides.  And I really don't feel like changing the size every time I go there.  The point of a website like BnetDocs Redux is to provide as much help as possible, and if that means overriding default fonts and changing render sizes, I say that website can burn in hell.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


I agree the font is to small as well.
Bump everything up 4-6px and its all good.

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