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Socket (Winsock) I/O Completion Ports

Started by Win32, August 17, 2007, 12:57 AM

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EDIT: No matter, figured it out. Seems it's the console output consuming all that time... reminds me why I don't like using the std lib. (Freely move to the trash can :))

Either I'm implementing them wrong, or they're extremely inefficent.

I did a simple test of transfering 2MB locally with both an IOCP and standard recv(). It took the recv() under 16ms, while the IOCP took 1,500ms+. I must admit I think I'm implementing IOCP wrong, I would think it's impossible to take anywhere near a second to receive data from a local endpoint.

NOTE: This is my first attempt using IOCP, one of the Window's concepts I never delved into till now.


dwStartTime = GetTickCount();

if(WSARecv(hClient, &Buf, 1, &dwReceived, &dwFlags, &Overlapped, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if((dwError = GetLastError()) != 997)
std::cout << "Error = " << GetLastError() << std::endl;

std::cout << "Immediate completion (dwReceived = " << dwReceived << ")\n";
dwTotal += dwReceived;

dwOther += GetTickCount() - dwStartTime;

dwStartTime = GetTickCount();

// wait
if((dwEnd = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(IoPort, &dwReceived, &dwKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE)) != 0)
std::cout << "Async Completed (dwReceived = " << dwReceived << ")\n";

dwTotal += GetLastError();

dwMaxTime += GetTickCount() - dwStartTime;

if(dwTotal >= 2000000) break;

(Standard recv(). (Synchronous/blocking)

dwTotal += recv(hClient, (char*) Data, 20000, NULL);

if(dwTotal >= 2 000 000) break;

Excuse the sloppy code, just testing.

Note that, it seems WSARecv(...) is consuming most of the time (1,300ms+).