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[PHP] Battle.net CD-Key Validator

Started by bontscho, August 04, 2007, 09:33 PM

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hi folkz,

im sorry to nag u with that post, i searched all the way through that board to find a solution, but i couldnt find the thing i seek :-/

im working in php and unfortunately im completely new to networking/protocol coding, so im asking u for help or maybe u already have the holy piece of code lying around.

i seek a solution for a warcraft 3/tft web-cd-key validator, that means a php-script that opens a connection to battle.net, logs in with the roc/tft keys, catches the messages/error (success/key invalid/key in use/etc) and logs off.

the bot script i have found here arent doing with a cd-key, but listchecker or banlist work with cd-keys, so i think this problem should be solveable. i found the packet-buffer class for php, but dunno if its needed for that problem.

sorry again for bugging u with my newb-question, but i would really be glad to get some hints or maybe a little piece of code :-)

thx a lot in advance for all efforts!



I know someone posted on this site their PHP code for accessing Battle.net. I think it used BNLS. It shouldn't be hard to slightly modify that to suit your needs.