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Started by Spht, April 28, 2007, 11:01 AM

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I wrote a trivia bot plugin for SphtBotv3 (and bots that support BinaryChat plugins)

Quick feature list:

- awards points based on how fast question was answered
- additional 1 point is given if user has made streak of 5 or more.  streak is interrupted by someone else answering, or time out
- supports ranks 1 to 5.  bot shows ranks after there are at least 5 people with at least a score of 10
- bot whispers score when a user with at least a score of 1 says 'score' in the channel.  this command can only be used once per minute per user to prevent abuse
- score file is updated every time someone answers a question to ensure no loss of scores
- commands /trivia on (to activate trivia forever), and /trivia off (to deactivate trivia)
- command /trivia auto to have trivia automatically activate itself if 'trivia' is said in channel, and deactivates itself when it intelligently determines no one is playing

Mainly just made it because I enjoy some of the trivia channels once and awhile, and decided to write an automated one for Clan Spht.  It can easily support a database with hundreds of thousands of questions.  Any interest in this for me to make it public?


well as you know alot of people stilll go on about other trivia bots, this would probley definity make your bot one of the most used by i dunno say everyone, since 80% of battle.net enjoys trivia channels,

so in other words why shouldn't it be public?


Curious, would this plugin be usable with a *certain* moderator bot?

Oh and nooooo! Don't do it!!

KrewL RaiN

omg, the evil trivia bots powers have been reviled o.o

I really like that auto turn off feature if people are not playing it


Quote from: Trance on April 29, 2007, 12:39 AM
Curious, would this plugin be usable with a *certain* moderator bot?

Oh and nooooo! Don't do it!!
What the fuck?  A fun bot and a moderation bot should NEVER be mixed.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


I like how I put it

[03:15:09] <Trance.de@USWest> http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=16654.0
[03:15:16] <
Trance.de@USWest> posted question about trivia
[03:15:31] <
Spht> thx for the support
[03:15:42] <
Trance.de@USWest> :P it's so evillll
[03:16:01] <
Spht> and having op bot host trivia is not something i had planned, nor recommend
[03:16:27] <
Trance.de@USWest> *shrug* would kill two birds with one stone
[03:16:36] <
Spht> but that's up to whoever's hosting it..
[03:16:52] <
Trance.de@USWest> so would work? what about flood protection?
[03:17:02] <
Spht> yes.  the two brids being moderation and trivia, and the stone being stupitiy
[03:17:52] <
Spht> yes, but do you really want the entire queue taken up by trivia, when the real priority should be to safeguard a channel?
[03:18:28] <
Spht> because trivia would automatically become main priority if you loaded it on a modbot
[03:18:49] <
Spht> dedicated bot profile for trivia is most logical method



Quote from: rabbit on April 29, 2007, 03:34 PM
Quote from: Trance on April 29, 2007, 12:39 AM
Curious, would this plugin be usable with a *certain* moderator bot?

Oh and nooooo! Don't do it!!
What the fuck?  A fun bot and a moderation bot should NEVER be mixed.

Don't mean to bash anyone, but why was/is StealthBot so popular then?


Because people are stupid.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Because Stealthbot is a chatbot. It's a sorry excuse for an automoderation bot, honestly. If I remember correctly, JavaOp performed better than it. And it's in Java..
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Additional features:

- now assigns rank to every user in the database, and bot's profile is (optionally) automatically updated with top 10 ranks
- having score of 1 or more allows user to access remote bot commands .score (user) and .rank (#) (can only be used in 20 second increments)
- Hints always reveal characters that are not a-z or 0-9, and those characters are ignored when accepting answers (so sarahspajamas?!! is an accepted answer for Sarah's Pajamas)

TriviaBot in action

KrewL RaiN

Nuuu it mocks me a second time in eternal gif form xD


Additional features:

- now awards points based on how fast question was answered as well as amount of active players in channel (active player is someone who's answered question in past 10 minutes)
- bot's trigger is configurable via config file, and bot will respond to ?trigger query once per minute with trigger and brief command help
- access database is integrated with scores database.  by default users get access of 1 after they answer their first question, which lets them use score and rank commands.  access 2 can use skip to skip the current question
- reminds channel of rank #1 player(s) every 4 hours while trivia is active
- players with same score intentionally get same rank and preceding ranks become vacant (ie, if bill, john and mary have leading score of 100 (rank #1), ranks 2 and 3 will be vacant and the next highest score will be rank #4)
- when using the command rank on tied ranks, two player names are shown followed by the amount of additional ties if applicable



I've been hosting Op Trivia247 on USEast for the past few months, and it quickly became the most popular trivia channel on Battle.net

As I type this, there are 25 people in the channel, and on average 800 unique players per month

I'm no longer going to be hosting trivia after the end of this month, so I'm releasing the plugin so that others can host their own trivia channels

I've included 1% of the questions from my database to get you started