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Hottest 16 year old ever!

Started by Hero, April 03, 2007, 02:11 AM

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"Man, there was this one ch1ck i made. She responded to almost everything I said! She was so realistic, I got shy and had to Alt+F4 her."


Say it with me:


So it's like Public Floggings in the 21st Century. I'm so glad we're civilized -.-


Quote from: Andy on April 08, 2007, 05:54 PM
So it's like Public Floggings in the 21st Century. I'm so glad we're civilized -.-
Are you saying it's "uncivilized" to name and shame pedophiles?


I'm saying it's uncivilized to publicly ridicule anyone. Ever.


Quote from: Andy on September 20, 2007, 10:42 PM
I'm saying it's uncivilized to publicly ridicule anyone. Ever.
Pedophilia is also uncivilized and outright disgusting - I'd say that the public ridicule and shaming of a single person is well justified if it prevents that person or others like them traumatising little children via acts of pedophilia.


"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"


Quote from: Andy on September 20, 2007, 10:51 PM
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"
An eye of an eye in that context seems to be talking about revenge, not justice. The idea of public shaming and humiliation should not be rooted in revenge for the victim, but in punishment for the perpetrator, with the aim of acting as a deterrent for repeat offenses in the future.


I don't see how doing something uncivilized to someone who did something uncivilized is any different from revenge, or out of context in the least. They should be sent to prison, not publicly humiliated. Prison is supposed to be the deterrent.


Quote from: WMA on September 20, 2007, 10:48 PM
Pedophilia is also uncivilized and outright disgusting - I'd say that the public ridicule and shaming of a single person is well justified if it prevents that person or others like them traumatising little children via acts of pedophilia.

You must have been the bully in highschool, not the bullee.


Quote from: Camel on September 21, 2007, 02:01 AM
Quote from: WMA on September 20, 2007, 10:48 PM
Pedophilia is also uncivilized and outright disgusting - I'd say that the public ridicule and shaming of a single person is well justified if it prevents that person or others like them traumatising little children via acts of pedophilia.

You must have been the bully in highschool, not the bullee.
So pedophiles are poor innocent victims of society now, and anyone that feels they deserved to be punished for their actions so as to deter others from committing such heinous acts is merely a bully on a power trip?


Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that people should be treated civilly no matter what they do? If someone killed everyone I knew and loved, I would have no right to kill him, just as he had no right to kill them. Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter the severity of the wrongs. -4000 plus -5 is still -4005, no matter how much you want it to be 0.


Quote from: Andy on September 21, 2007, 03:25 AM
Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that people should be treated civilly no matter what they do? If someone killed everyone I knew and loved, I would have no right to kill him, just as he had no right to kill them. Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter the severity of the wrongs. -4000 plus -5 is still -4005, no matter how much you want it to be 0.

Two wrongs do not make a right, we in agree in that respect. However, when someone commits a crime, then they must be punished for their actions - and generally the punishment given, if it were to be served to an innocent person, it would be viewed as a gross violation of their rights.

People have a right to freedom as well, however when they commit a crime, they are, depending on the severity, usually sent to prison. Yes, punishment, if viewed in a disconnected manner removed from the crime, often appears unjust, which is why legal systems should work to ensure that the punishment fits the crime.

Yes, shaming someone can be viewed as cruel - but that's why it should be reserved for those that commit particularly offensive crimes, such as rape, murder, and pedophilia. Imprisonment can also be viewed as cruel, but it's done, and acts to both deter and punish the offender.


Imprisonment is taking life away as a punishment. Shaming in any form, such as public flogging, defaming, or humiliating, is an eccentric and outdated form of punishment akin to torture. To use it in today's society is (for a lack of a better word) barbaric.
