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What would make your ideal bot?

Started by UserLoser, February 26, 2007, 05:38 PM

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I wasn't aware BNI files had d2 character icons...


*yawns* i havent read anything yet on this post except the main topic.

The look of the bot must be professional and user friendly. So anyone who knows little about a bot can easily get the bot working. A nice gui would be a good idea to invite users to want to use the bot.

The bot should be able to login to any game that battle.net has available. Through hashes and bnls or just something they can add like lets say someone else makes a type like bnls you can put in that url and the bot will be able to connect to that instead of bnls.

Easily edited Configuration for the bot while it is connected to battle.net. A reload setting while the bot is connected.

Can be edited from the bot itself or from a txt in the bot's folder.

Should be able to support mp3 as well. As well as come with its own controls maybe. As well as have commands for the user to skip songs and such or playback or move to another song by requesting it.

For example: .play *seether*  would bring up the first song it finds with *seether* in it * being wildcard. Could read the music from a specific folder.

Games: alot that are popular are tic tac toe, connect 4 and trivia. Maybe adding these three would be a good idea as well as being able to play other people who have this bot in tic tac toe and connect 4. Vindication did something along these lines.

Being able to add plugins to the bot which is mostly featured in the binarychat.

Custom scripting Which came out with nbbot as well as vindication being able to add scripting to the bot for custom commands and such.

Examples are available if needed for scripting.

For moderation the bot should watch the other bot that has operator status and make mental notes of who gets banned and unbanned like a companionship. Should work well in clan channels as well as being able to follow clan commands in a clan channel. IE warcraft 3 channels. Knowing how to make a channel private and public as well as promote and demote someone and being able to invite someone into the clan.

Flood protection is a must The bot must have a high quality ban command as well as being able to detect a load or a flood and do it's best to take care of it if the user decides to activate this.

Being able to customize the bot with the users own font like chat font.

Whisper Windows can be turned on and off as well. A seperate window for someone who whispers you. Vindication has this option as well as people who whisper you it be seperate from where you chat. Chatting on top and whispers in another box below it.

Auto connect feature as well as a reconnect feature.

Also could have a lag spoof button which can get: The plug, Negative one, No lag bar and the normal lag you would get.

The bot database should be stored in a txt with a flag based user setting.

Notifications of a user joining the channel should be able to be turned on and off as well as if the bot detects a floodbot it should automatically turn off for a period of time and turn back on.

There should be an option to ignore talking and anything that rejoins or speaks and leaves the channel in under a second.

The notifications should be pretty normal

[23:51:57] Vladimeir joined the channel with a ping of 31 using Starcraft Brood War: 58 normal game wins..

Would be a good example showing the ping of the person what they are on and how many wins.

Userloser made a really good thing on diablo II users which was very intresting.

A website for tech support also a forum for the bot to give future suggestions and such.

A statstring update option to have it on or off.

Could also include a debugging in the bot.

The bot must be able to make accounts and register them to a specific email. for all clients that support it.
Account email: The option to change your email the account is registered to or send for a password.

The command logging and user chat should be able to have an option to be logged not in 1 txt because after a while it will be to big to open. I would say by date for a txt. As well as a user with master flags should be able to turn on and off the command and chat logging via from battle.net. IE: ?cmdl on/off

A help button on the bot which they can get help for the bot from a txt or visit the home website of the bot as well as check for updates from the bot itself.

The bot must be able to minimize to the tray.

An option to be able to display chat or not.

An option to be able to display anti-idles Custom mp3 or just a normal one that says i am this type of bot version # and made by.

A thing on the bot so you can display news to the public letting them know what is going on with the bot or any major updates battle.net is doing. This command is optional.

Foward whispering - When this option is enabled it will foward all whispers to a specific username.

Botmail - Being able to mail a user a message alot of bots these days have this option the first one i saw having this was dark`bot made by zonker.

Message bans - If a user types a certian thing it autobans them but not if they are safelisted.

normal - Sets the channel to normal.

silent- Any unsafelisted user who speaks is banned.

lockdown - Any unsafelisted user who enters the channel is banned.

private- Uses the Clan channel capabilities to make the channel exclusive to only Clan members.

guard - Removes bans from the queue of users who have already left the channel.

Ipban - a user on the same ip is autobanned when trying to enter the channel.

Tagban - anyone fitting the wildcard of that tag will be banned

Autoban - the name will be banned automatically when entering in the channel.

Idle ban - anyone who stays in the channel longer then X amount of time is either kicked or banned unless they are safelisted.

Massloadban - Bans any suspicous users which may be a massload, such as but not limited to, multiple users joining too quickly, an account logged on multiple instances.

Latencyban - Bans users whose ping is greater than the set limit.

dodgeban - Bans users whose names already appear in the ban list.

clientban - Bans a user who is logged on a Blizzard Product which is banned.

kickreturnban - Bans a user who automatically rejoins the channel after being kicked.

friendunban - Unbans a safelisted user when they are banned.

Queue options

normal - Sets the queue to normal.

priority - Pushes all bans to the front of the queue to be executed

filter - Filters out bans of users which are already queued.

refresh - Clears the queue every 20 seconds to ensure the queue doesn't get locked up.

Also /recorddata should bring back something along these lines:

[06:53:22] Account name: Denial
[06:53:22] Account created: Friday, December 05 1998 05:49:29 PM
[06:53:22] Time logged on: 3 years, 5 months, 0 weeks, 0 days, 7 hours, 26 minutes, 44 seconds
[06:53:22] Last logged on: Tuesday, October 31 2006 12:58:36 AM
[06:53:22] Last logged off: Tuesday, October 31 2006 12:53:14 AM

Also i know dark`bot had a way to get ip's of people that create games this is a very optional command but it could come in use just crossed my mind it goes something like this

[20:31:20] Game SNIPERS's stats:
[20:31:20]      Creator - Suicidal (IP:
[20:31:20]      Map Name - Sniper Bald + Extras v308 (un-official)
[20:31:20]      Game type - use map settings
[20:31:20]      Max Players - 8
[20:31:20]      Map Size - 64x64
[20:31:20]      Game Speed - fastest

Webbot feature is an option as well but not a requirement.

Being able to load multi-profiles into one exe so you don't have to have 10 exe's running for the bot but being able to click a tab on that one bot and being able to go to another bot.

I believe Damnbot had a good thing for that back when it was popular. I also believe binarychat supports that as well.

/hex *** Toggles hexchat
/encrypt *** Toggles DMEncrypt-compatible text scrambling
/des *** Toggles 3DES encrypted chat
/rsa *** Toggles RSA encrypted chat
/settarget <user> (user to encrypt rsa to, and for sending deskeys)
/listkeys *** Lists 3DES keys
/key *** Displays active 3DES key
/randomize <type stuff for randomizing deskey>
/sendkey <keyname or wildcard mask>
/makekey <keyname> (use randomize first)
/delkey <keyname or wildcard mask>

Encryption would be nice as well to talk to as well as maybe make another encryption so people who use this bot can talk to each other.

Binarychat has alot of these commands that are very nice to have. Like being able to login to your character.

/setcharactername <charactername>
/setclass <amazon|sorceress|necromancer|paladin|barbarian|druid|assassin>
/setcharflags <hardcore|expansion|none>
/unsetcharflags <hardcore|expansion>
/interactiverealm <on|off> *** Enabling this prevents the bot from automatically logging in when connected to the realm, so that you can use the character management functions.
/createchar <charactername> *** Creates a character
/logonchar <charactername> *** Logs on a character
/delchar <charactername>
/convertchar <charactername>
/listchars *** Can be used even after logging on as a character
/realmladdersearch <charactername> <type> *** Types are: standard/expansion softcore/hardcore - ie, /realmladdersearch standard hardcore

As well as a list game function

/listgames *** Realm only
/gameinfo <game name> *** Realm only

the botnet commands as well would be nice to have i know people who use it. But i would suggest having an option to be able to turn on and off botnet so people see it and don't see it. Most users who would use a bot could care less about botnet.

ALT-N: Copy name of selected user to the input box.
ALT-X: Squelch selected user.
ALT-U: Unsquelch selected user.
ALT-I: Copy information about the selected user to the main chat output.
ALT-UPARROW: Move the user selection up one item.
ALT-DOWNARROW: Move the user selection down one item.
ALT-HOME: Move the user selection to the top item.
ALT-END: Move the user selection to the bottom item.
These hotkeys can be used from any window in the dialog.

User-input specific hotkeys:
UPARROW: View a previously sent command in the command history.
DOWNARROW: View a command sent after the one being viewed in the command history.
The command history has a maximum limit of 100 commands.

Options in the Window menu:
Always on Top: Checking this causes the bot to be on top of other windows, even when not active.
Black Background: This option enables or disables a black background edge for the main dialog.
Detect URLs: Check this to enable automatic URL detection in the main output.
Enable Tooltips: Set this option to enable user-information tooltips for the channel list.
Gray Tooltips: Enabling this will make the user-info tooltips colored white-on-gray.
24-hour Timestamps: Setting this option will enable 24-hour timestamps.
Allow Total Resizing: Turning this on will disable the minimum window size.
Set Font: Display a dialog allowing you to pick the font and size for the main chat output.

Profiles are displayed in a popup window.  You can edit your own profile through these.
Profile queries issued by a telnet user are displayed in the main screen.

Game stats:
Game stats (including Ladder information) are displayed in popup windows.
Stats queries issued by a telnet user are displayed in the main screen.

The bot must be able to be used as a moderation bot as well as a chat bot. Both able to be fully used as either or. An idea that is just an idea is maybe to have two different gui's so when you pick which option you would like the bot to be it can switch gui's to more better the bot. Which is just an idea that is intresting since no other bot has ever thought about doing this.

In reality this bot should be able to fully be a chatbot as well be a moderation bot being able to be both without any problems.

Also you could have it so the bot switches gui's when its turned into a chat bot or a ops bot.

Kinda like a transformer bot?

Also the way the bot logs you should be able to have a search feature that can run through the logs by dates or by months. Cause you can't always remember what you want to find or the specific

Could also come with an account keeper that updates names from a list which prints out a success.txt and a failed.txt with timestamps.

Ok...  First, when one of these new bots joins a channel with another one that has ops, the ops bot can be asked to share databases so that if you designate the one that just came in, it's up to date.  It will support a .changeprofile so you can do that without actually having to switch to the bot.  Will have the ability to change passwords, create accounts, etc.  A scripting language for making commands, a way to "identify" your names so that when you join a channel on a different name, you can whisper the bot "identify <YourNameWithAccess> <YourPassword>" and the bot will know that it's you on a different name and give you access.  Now, for the truly revolutionary idea--worker bots.  Worker bots are bots that sit in your channel with your main bot and they do stuff for you.  Example: .changepassword <name> <old pass> <new pass> and a worker bot logs off, changes the password, and comes back.  .createaccount <Name to create> <Password> a worker bot leaves, creates the account, comes back.  They can perform any function you want, and (I'm still thinking of how to do this) but suppose you want to paste something big.  It divides the lines between the worker bots, so like line 1 by worker 1, line 2 by worker 2, all right after one another so it's much faster than worrying about flood protection.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


@Denial: 90% of everything you just said has already been done in one bot or another.
The other 10% was just you repeating yourself.
Yes there are actually some decent ideas there.
But, like I said, its all been done before. And most of everything you have said has already been suggested.
(You're so-called "revolutinary" multi-GUI suggestion, been done, and been suggested)
I've already made all my suggestions to UL over botnet so :/

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Bot is not going to have any built in moderation features, there's already existing plugin out there (oper) to use for that


Denial, we all miss Vindication.  Get over it.  -.-


Apparently he still has Fluffybot so why does he ask so much of UL? Denial's not even going to ever see it
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Well if useloser makes his bot public with good features i can send idiots to him instead of them bugging me :)

So in reality me helping him ultimately helps me.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Quote from: Denial on March 01, 2007, 10:50 PM
Well if useloser makes his bot public with good features i can send idiots to him instead of them bugging me :)

So in reality me helping him ultimately helps me.
You'll probably be the reason why he won't make it public now for saying that.


Quote from: Denial on March 01, 2007, 10:50 PM
Well if useloser makes his bot public with good features i can send idiots to him instead of them bugging me :)

So in reality me helping him ultimately helps me.

Wasn't that the purpose of your "list of bots" thread?


if you could make a viable key exchange system, and encourage a web of trust system in bnet users, as well as key signing (I guess keygen too) would be pretty neat. That would be far better and far more secure than some "encrypted chat" enable/disable feature.
I'd be curious to see your implementation of the exchange of keys, given that that is where most security issues lay.
And not using existing exchange systems.  I hate them.
Technodev.org (future project) / UnixPartisan.org
Future dictator


I would have to suggest Scripting Support, as well as Battle.net FTP support. Being able to browse the Public FTP for files is a very simple thing to do, yet it has not been done AFAIK...
Blizzard Tech Support/Op W@R - FallenArms
The Chat Gem Lives!


browse the public ftp...? how would you plan on doing that? As far as I know, there's no file listing.


Quote from: [RealityRipple] on March 05, 2007, 12:03 AM
browse the public ftp...? how would you plan on doing that? As far as I know, there's no file listing.

I think he means the actual FTP server, as in, ftp://ftp.blizzard.com

