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Language ID

Started by Joe[x86], February 23, 2007, 03:13 AM

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BnetDocs is down so I can't find it right now, but in C>S theres a Language ID field marked "under research".

I'm not sure what you guys have for leads on it right now, but war3.mpq\config.txt includes this:

// Set the LANGID in [Game] to one of these unquoted constants:
//  English (US)            = 0x00000409
//  English (UK)            = 0x00000809
//  French                  = 0x0000040c
//  German                  = 0x00000407
//  Spanish                 = 0x0000040a
//  Italian                 = 0x00000410
//  Czech                   = 0x00000405
//  Russian                 = 0x00000419
//  Polish                  = 0x00000415
//  Portuguese (Brazilian)  = 0x00000416
//  Portuguese (Portugal)   = 0x00000816
//  Turkish                 = 0x0000041f
//  Japanese                = 0x00000411
//  Korean                  = 0x00000412
//  Chinese (Traditional)   = 0x00000404
//  Chinese (Simplified)    = 0x00000804
//  Thai                    = 0x0000041e
// Note: Do NOT quote the constant!


// Set the LANGID in [Battle.net] to one of these single-quoted strings:
//  English (US)            = 'enUS'
//  English (UK)            = 'enGB'
//  French                  = 'frFR'
//  German                  = 'deDE'
//  Spanish                 = 'esES'
//  Italian                 = 'itIT'
//  Czech                   = 'csCZ'
//  Russian                 = 'ruRU'
//  Polish                  = 'plPL'
//  Portuguese (Brazilian)  = 'ptBR'
//  Portuguese (Portugal)   = 'ptPT'
//  Turkish                 = 'tkTK'
//  Japanese                = 'jaJA'
//  Korean                  = 'koKR'
//  Chinese (Traditional)   = 'zhTW'
//  Chinese (Simplified)    = 'zhCN'
//  Thai                    = 'thTH'
// Note: You MUST single-quote the string!


I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but it could be.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


They're universally standard language codes. 0x409 = 1033, which is the universal ID for "United States English". I believe the ISO website has a full list, as well. The abbreviations can easily be created using two returns from an API call (I'll post that when I get home).


I figured having this information might be useful to myself in the near future, so I figured I'd go ahead and post this link that I just found.


I'm not sure if this is the entire list, but there's quite a few on there.


Private Declare Function GetUserDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
That's the one. Returns the current Language ID.