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[17:52:14] Battle.net logon server could not check the version.

Started by Ghostalphas, November 01, 2006, 04:53 PM

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[17:52:13] Retrieved version code from Battle.net logon server!
[17:52:14] Contacting Battle.net chat server (asia.battle.net:6112)...
[17:52:14] Connected to BNCS!
[17:52:14] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[17:52:14] Checking versions and CD-key...
[17:52:14] Battle.net logon server could not check the version.

[17:52:14] Battle.net logon server could not check the version. 

? why ..  help me im trying to log in East or west or what ever it keep teliing me
[17:52:14] Battle.net logon server could not check the version.

KrewL RaiN

If your logging on with SC then thats why your getting that error.

Blizzard changed something yet again and GG SC bots


[08:11:17] Starting up...
[08:11:18] Contacting Battle.net logon server (bnls.valhallalegends.com:9367)...
[08:11:18] Contacting BotNet (useast.battle.net:21845)...
[08:11:18] Connected to BNLS!
[08:11:18] Searching for latest version code...
[08:11:18] Retrieved version code from Battle.net logon server!
[08:11:18] Contacting Battle.net chat server (useast.battle.net:6112)...
[08:11:18] Connected to BNCS!
[08:11:18] Logon protocol set to NLS v1.01.
[08:11:18] Checking versions and CD-key...
[08:11:18] Passed version and CD-key check!
[08:11:18] Attempting to log on...
[08:11:18] Unrecognized BNCS packet SID_004C received:
0000:  69 78 38 36 42 6C 75 65 44 72 61 6B 65 2E 6D 70   ix86BlueDrake.mp
0010:  71 00                                             q.
[08:11:19] Verifying logon proof...
[08:11:19] Successfully logged on!
[08:11:36] Contacting BotNet (botnet.valhallalegends.com:21845)...
[08:11:36] Unable to contact BotNet.  10022
[08:11:38] Contacting BotNet (botnet.valhallalegends.com:21845)...
[08:11:38] Connected to BotNet!

i Can't View my channel why this ????????? it log in b.net  but  to view the channel it not working
it loging in in everything ..  accout webchannel  botnet   and b.net ..
but i can't c that channel please help me ?