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BNLS Problems (War3: FT)

Started by djuhn, September 23, 2006, 06:59 AM

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I wrote a simple application to check if a cdkey is in use or not for Warcraft 3: FT.
It was working fine for months on end, but a few weeks ago BNLS_VERSIONCHECK started returning a fail. It was working AFTER the last Warcraft patch I installed... Anyone else noticing this too? None of my code has changed and I can't for the life of me figure it out.
I will post any required info you guys may need to verify to help sort this out for me -_-


Most likely, your MPQ Number is wrong.
Quote(DWORD) Version DLL digit in the range 0-7. (For example, for IX86Ver1.mpq this is 1)
BNet has changed how those are named. the naming convention is now ver-IX86-X.mpq (so the example would now be ver-IX86-1.mpq). Change how it extracts the number and everything should be fine.



That's the one... the filename...
but I just made it get the character 2 bytes after the previous location (verified that it's getting the correct value) and it's still returning a fail?
Anything else while I wade through 11 pages?


sorted it all out

hardcoding locations may be quick the first time you write the code but its a bitch to fix later.
(didn't take into account the fact that ver-IX86-X.mpq is 2 bytes longer, hence the crap that comes after that string should be called 2 bytes down the track as well)

thanks everyone!