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Re: [D2GS] Map identification

Started by KermEd, July 18, 2006, 11:43 AM

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Quote from: DueL on July 25, 2005, 10:05 PM
This might sound stupid but how do you know where you stand when you first join the game?

DueL::   Two Ways That I know Of,

---- C++ And Reading Process Memory, Heres The Memory Locations

#define CHAR_X                       0x6FBC5630
#define CHAR_Y                       0x6FBC5634

The X and Y Locations Will Be Off By A Value (-24) (ie: X Would Read 5024, Instead Of 5000).  I Don't Know Why, But Its Not Matching Up With My Recieved Packet (X & Y)

(If Your New To Reading Diablo 2's Memory, Heres A Great Place To Start)


Or If You Want To Do It Using Packets:

---- Packet 0x96

(BITS[15]) Stamina
(BITS[15]) Location X
(BITS[1]) Unknown
(BITS[15]) Location Y
(BITS[18]) Unknown

Quote from: LivedKrad on July 25, 2005, 09:49 PM
I'm trying to do some pathing, but as some of you know the map type changes between games and so do the specific coordinates for NPC's and stuff. I was wondering if there was an OnJoin packet that specified what map style it was or what the coordinates were so I can set up the pathing according to the current map style. Anyone?

---- Mapping Techniques:


Good Question.  I am also stumped on this one.  I have everything up and working on my bot minus a decent mapping technique.  I keep track of all items/players/npcs/etc.  I read the post on offsets for room sizes, but also am unsure how to impliment them.  I am guessing it can be done that way, however.  I mean you can exit one of two ways from rogue encampment, and packet 0x95 will tell you if you can walk there, but thats kind of a harsh way to do it. 

By Standard1 and Standard2 I believe he is referring to the [link=http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=11756.msg155943#msg155943]Unique Object Codes 35/36[/link]

It seems to me the map size and area is mostly predefined in the data files, I'll check into the MPQ and see if there is anything else to be pulled out.


~ KermEd  [modified July18, 2006]