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Tax Cuts 101

Started by hismajesty, June 18, 2006, 04:51 PM

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Quote from: VictoryInJesus on July 24, 2006, 10:58 PM

What's the sigh for?  Ran out of arguments or just frustrated that most people aren't smart enough to submit, er, fully understand the depth of your truth?  OK that was a cheap shot.  I'll respond to the content.

I can speak for myself and say that as a veteran of the United States military, honorably discharged, I am far more proud of people who boldly, loudly, and somewhat defiantly, criticize the government which we designed to serve us, the citizens.  It is the people who have the right, are upset about things, but choose not to complain that I find greatest dissatisfaction with.  What freedoms did I serve 6 years preserving and protecting if people are afraid to exercise them.

I agree (emphases added) with your procolamation that Americans should return to their patriot roots.  More than agree, I'm rather pleased that you are a true patriot, one that understands our government is our servant, and we are the sovereign man, empowered by God, who gave certain powers to our state and then federal government to serve us.  Ask yourself, who should be afraid of whom?  The government afraid of the man, or the man afraid of the government.  How are things today, in the USA, with regards to fear?  I don't think you'd be saying that the government is any longer afraid of citizens.  Yes, let us return to our patriot roots.  Amen!