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Hello Fine people.

Started by ZX, May 14, 2006, 02:29 AM

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My name is ZeroX, I decide to use ZX for short. I have seen/known about vL for quite some time but never took the time or effort to join. I have been recently trying to dable in Linux and XHTML. I have heard that this forum and comminuty of people would probally be the best place for Linux/programming help/dissucsion. I am glad to be part of the vL comminuty and Hope become a 1337 programmer like the rest of you. For the none related stuff lets see. My name is Corey and Iam turning 16 in about 11 days. I am a 10 th grader in high school and cant stand it. I have been gaming online since I can remeber and frist got into bots/hashes back in 2003. I am still up for a good game of starcraft and warcraft III. I have been recently playing WoW and loving every mintue of it. My favorite type of Music is probally Hardcore like Bury your dead, underOath, and Horse the band. I also like Trance/Techno for gaming becuase It just gets you in the mood. Must of you probally know me from x86 or Stealthbot so I will be happy to see some old faces.

HI iago <3

QuoteJoE ThE oDD: I just owned warrior
JoE ThE oDD: http://www.x86labs.org:81/forum/index.php/topic,5676.msg67220.html#msg%msg_id%
ZXdropoff: you posted a picture of your wang? 0.o


Hi, welcome to the forums.