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Select statement optimization

Started by SecretShop, April 01, 2006, 02:58 PM

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This is not necessarily web development based but I figure this forum is the most applicable.  Im running MySQL 5.0 currently as a backend database on my battle.net community management software.  Im trying to optimize my queries for when a user joins and leaves as these are being called, in peak hours atleast, very often.  Heres what I have currently and im wondering if using MySQL's UNION command is the most efficient way to run this kind of query:

select flags, flags_mask, commands, commands_mask from users where username='blah'
     union select flags, flags_mask, commands, commands_mask from clients where client='WAR3'
     union select flags, flags_mask, commands, commands_mask from wildcards where 'blah' like pattern
     union select flags, flags_mask, commands, commands_mask from groups where groupname in
     (select groupname from users_groups where username='blah');

The username of the user in this example is "blah" and the client the user is using is warcraft III.

my desired result is a table of columns flags, flags_mask, commands, commands_mask that has a variable ammount of rows depending on how these queries match.  In my code I am just using the binary OR operatior to mix these togather into a single result.


That is the best way I can think of doing it.  But, (yes, a but!) since I am completely OCD, I have "fixed" the code..it was bugging me...

SELECT (`flags`, `flags_mask`, `commands`, `commands_mask`) FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'blah'
     UNION SELECT (`flags`, `flags_mask`, `commands`, `commands_mask`) FROM `clients` WHERE `client` = 'WAR3'
     UNION SELECT (`flags`, `flags_mask`, `commands`, `commands_mask`) FROM `wildcards` WHERE 'blah' LIKE 'pattern'
     UNION SELECT (`flags`, `flags_mask`, `commands`, `commands_mask`) FROM `groups` WHERE `groupname` IN
     (SELECT `groupname` FROM `users_groups` WHERE `username`= 'blah');
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.